
整合公益資源 讓愛延續 除了整合校園的志願者資源外,服務領袖計劃更注重公益 活動的延續性。賈驍駿表示,傳統公益活動大多是安排好 時間地點,舉辦一次志願服務工作之後就結束,這種模 式容易給人留下「做Show」的印象。而服務領袖計劃希 望能夠考慮到每次活動之間的關聯,瞭解服務對象自身需 要,針對具體需求制定一系列活動方案。 以四月的「仁慈堂安老院志願活動」為例,學生志願者通 過一個月的時間,與長者溝通互動,讓長者感受到同學們 的關愛。為體現計劃的延續性,活動結束後義工們仍持續 關注安老院,並隨時根據需要提供服務。 首次舉辦此類活動,學生們一點也不馬虎。活動展開前, 他們評估可能遇到的困難和問題,例如如何掌握和長者溝 通的技巧、如何鼓勵長者投入遊戲節目等。為了解決這些 困難,他們與安老院社工聯繫,提前到場參觀,學習社工 的溝通技巧和工作方法;在活動展開時,亦有經驗豐富的 社工在現場指導以及處理突發事情。 目前服務領袖計劃正努力爭取與澳門各大非政府組織合 作,未來合作模式或由非政府組織負責資金和籌劃,服務 領袖計劃負責招募志願者。賈驍駿對計劃的未來充滿希望, 他認為服務社會不是一時一地的工作,希望這項活動一直 延續到無限的未來。 SLP Values Continuity In addition to mobilising volunteers, SLP also values continuity of charity activities. Jia says that because most charity activities are done on a one-time basis, they tend to give the impression that the organisers are just “putting on a show”. SLP aims for continuity. Participants hope to establish a series of activity plans that are tailor-made to suit the needs of those they serve. Take the volunteer activities at the Our Lady of Mercy Home for the Elderly in April. Instead of a one-day event, the activities lasted an entire month. Every day, volunteers talked to the residents, played games with them, and provided services, in an effort to make them feel loved and cared about. Even after the end of the month, volunteers still kept in touch with the residents and provided services when needed. Though new to organising this kind of activity, everyone gave their best effort. Foreseeing that they might encounter difficulty communicating with seniors and engaging them in games, they visited the elderly home in advance and consulted social workers there to learn how best to communicate with the residents. They also invited experienced social workers to provide onsite guidance and handle unexpected situations. Currently SLP members are seeking opportunities to work with major nongovernmental organisations (NGOs) in Macao. If their efforts are successful, future activities may be sponsored and organised by the NGOs, with SLP responsible for recruiting volunteers. Jia is full of hopes for SLP’s future, saying that community service should not be a one-time event and hoping that SLP will continue in the years to come. 服務領袖計劃主席賈驍駿 President of the Service Leader Programme Jia Xiaojun UMAGAZINE ISSUE 10 50 專題故事.FEATURE