
在基貝拉隨處可見開朗熱情的當地人。雖然生存環境 非常惡劣,但他們不會放棄對未來的夢想:環遊世界、 賺大錢、開公司⋯⋯「雖然這些都很難實現,但他們 仍然堅持夢想。」這是此行帶給杜玥最大的震撼。 在去肯亞之前,杜玥以為當地人需要的僅僅是物質關 懷,但在與當地人同吃同住的時候,她才發現肯亞居 民希望接觸外界,希望獲得更多的資訊以及精神上的 支持和幫助。忘記他們是弱勢群體,尊重他們,關懷 他們,這才是他們最需要的。 與其他學生相比,杜玥對公益事業有著更大的熱情, 甚至將其作為未來人生的規劃。2012年她選擇進入 澳大社會學專業學習,但因為發現所學知識也許並不 適用於將來的志願者工作,於是她轉系學習葡語專 業。杜玥對自己未來的目標非常明確:通過學習葡語, 以便將來加入巴西或非洲葡語國家的非政府組織從事 語言類工作。 自去年加入AIESEC澳大分會後,杜玥不單參加暑期 專案,更擔任海外志願者計劃出境交流部部長一職, 希望幫助更多要認識世界、挑戰自己的志願者實現夢 想。她認為海外志願者計劃並不是一次旅行,而是一 個珍貴的學習機會,可以幫助有需要的人,並將中國 人的善意帶給世界,讓更多人瞭解中國。 Everywhere in the Kibera Slum, Du met cheerful, hospitable Kenyan people. Despite the extremely harsh living conditions, they never gave up their dreams to travel around the world, to make money, to open a company... “Although these dreams are very hard to realise, they never give up, and I was deeply humbled by that kind of spirit.” Before her trip to Kenya, Du thought what Kenyan people needed was just material support. It was not until she lived with the locals on a daily basis that she realised that they longed to be in contact with the outside world, to have access to information, and to have emotional support. What Kenyan people need the most, Du realised after her trip, is for the outside world to forget that they are the disadvantaged group, and to respect and care about them as fellow human beings. Du is genuinely passionate about causes that advance social welfare. She is even planning to pursue a career in the field. In 2012 she was admitted to the Department of Sociology at UM. Later she found what she was learning might not be relevant to what she was planning to do in the future, so she transferred to the Department of Portuguese. Her goal is very clear: learn Portuguese well and try to join one of the nongovernmental organisations in Brazil or Portuguese-speaking countries in Africa to work in a language-related position. Ever since she joined AIESEC UM last year, Du has not only participated in the summer programme, but has also served as the head of the overseas exchange department of the programme to help more volunteers who wish to challenge themselves and know more about the world to realise their dreams. She believes the overseas volunteer programme offers not just a trip, but a valuable opportunity to learn, to help those in need, to show the goodwill of the Chinese people to the world, and to help more people know more about China. 基貝拉孤兒學校的學生靠表演雜耍 來維持學校的開銷 Students from an orphans' school in the Kibera Slum perform juggling to keep the school afloat UMAGAZINE ISSUE 10 52 專題故事.FEATURE