
Over the last few decades, the venom of Gila monster and Mexican beaded lizard have been the object of much research, particularly that directed towards the discovery of novel agents, which may have applications in clinical therapy. However, the US and Mexican governments have listed them as CITES Appendix II / EU Annex B designate, and put a commercial ban on any sell or export of helodermatid lizards and their venom. Most of the venom research on Heloderma species has been stopped due to the fact that the proteomic and genomic research on helodermatid venom requires animal sacrifice or surgical removal of the lizards’ venom glands, and acquiring venom for research is also problematic. With a great team effort and many trials and errors, my research group and our collaborator at the world-renowned Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum in the US have jointly reported a simple modified technique for the successful venom acquisition from helodermatid lizards that is harmless to the protected lizards (Figure 3). This report has significantly contributed to the field of lizard venom research since Arrington in 1930 explored a first published method 過去幾十年間,希拉毒蜥和墨西哥串珠蜥蜴的毒液成 為許多科學家研究的對象,特別是新類型藥物的研 究。如研發成功,這類新類型藥物將有望應用於臨 床治療。然而,美國和墨西哥政府將毒蜥列入《瀕 臨絕種野生動植物國際貿易公約附錄二》(CITES Appendix II)以及《 歐盟附件乙指定》(EU Annex B designate)內,並禁止毒蜥及其毒液的銷售和出 口。大部分關於毒蜥和其毒液的研究都已暫停,是因 為對毒蜥毒液進行蛋白質組研究和基因體研究需要犧 牲實驗動物或者切除毒蜥的毒液腺,此外,毒液的提 取方面也存在諸多問題。 經過研究團隊的共同努力和不懈嘗試,我們與美國亞 利桑那索諾拉沙漠博物館 (Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum)的同事合作設計出一種經改良的簡化方 法,可以在不傷害毒蜥的情況下成功提取毒液(圖 3)。我們已就該成果發表了一份聯合報告。該研究 報告可算是自學者阿靈頓(Arrington)於1930年首 圖2. 墨西哥串珠蜥蜴 (學名:Heloderma horridum) Figure 2. Mexican beaded lizard (Heloderma horridum) 人一方面為之著迷,一方面膽戰心驚,而它們高超的 生化戰本領又讓人不由心生敬畏。毒蜥的毒液成分複 雜,包含多種生物活性分子,如毒素、蛋白質以及能 令入侵者迅速癱瘓的縮氨酸。其劇烈的毒性應該不只 是某個成分單一作用的結果,而是所有成分之間複雜 的生化、藥理和生理反應的結果。 their drawling movements to the viciousness of their defence bite and the devilry of their venom, helodermatid lizards have never failed to fascinate and terrify and their capabilities in biochemical warfare have always commanded respect. Helodermatid venoms are complex mixtures of many bioactive molecules such as toxins, proteins and peptides that effectively immobilise invaders. The toxic nature is probably not due to just one fraction of the venom, but rather, due to the complex biochemical, pharmacological and physiological interaction of all the components. UMAGAZINE ISSUE 10 62 學院專欄.FACULTY COLUMN