
馬:副校長(研究)馬許願講座教授 | 澳:《澳大新語》 澳: 澳門大學近年有何策略推動研究發展? 馬: 澳大在20年前已開始支持研究工作。當時我 們希望在澳大各領域啟動研究,所以鼓勵所有 教學人員向澳大的研究委員會提交研究建議 書。隨著2006 年《澳門大學章程》的修訂, 以及2008年通過公開招聘新校長,我們發現 研究數量和質量方面均需加強。因此,我們在 研究管理方面著手進行改革,包括成立研究及 發展事務辦公室,專門與研究委員會合作監察 研究工作。此外,我們亦推出「多年研究資助 計劃(Multi-Year Research Grant)」,通過 外部評審擇優進行撥款。 澳: 澳大批出研究資助計劃時有甚麼標準? 馬: 澳大崇尚學術自由,教學人員無須通過學院或 院長提交研究計劃書,只要是助理教授或以上 級別的教學人員便可直接將計劃書提交予研究 委員會。研究項目由申請者自行決定,凡屬研 究範圍以內皆可以提出。 澳: 經過多年的發展,澳大的學術和研究水平有否 顯著上升? 馬: 澳大近年致力改善教學質素,大部分教師擁有 博士學位,其中許多教師在世界著名的大學取 得博士學位,具有豐富的國際教學經驗和卓越 的學術背景,未來會繼續增聘擁有博士學位的 教師。 師生發表的論文獲重要科學期刊引用的次數也 持續上升,由美國Thomson Reuters 建立的 網際網路版引用文獻索引資料庫系統 Web of Science(WOS)顯示, 2013年澳大論文獲 引用3,500次,與2008年或2009年相比, 當時每年只獲引用100次左右。發表論文的 數量亦都逐年上升。2009年發表的論文數量 大概為120篇左右,2013年超過500篇(平 均每位教員能夠產出一篇論文),論文發表數 量在過去五年上升了四倍。 M: Vice Rector (Research) and Chair Professor Rui Martins | U: U: What strategies has UM adopted in recent years to promote research development? M: We began to support research at UM 20 years ago. Aiming to initiate research in all the areas that were covered by UM, we encouraged our colleagues to present proposals to UM’s Research Committee. Basically everybody could present proposals to the committee. With the revision of the University Charter in 2006 and the appointment of a new rector through open recruitment in 2008, we found that we should try to improve both the quantity and the quality of research. For this reason, we carried out reform on research management. For example, we established the Research & Development Administration Office, which works together with the university’s Research Committee to supervise research. We also initiated a project to provide Multi-Year Research Grant on a competitive basis, with external vetting. U: Are there any internal criteria for the approval of research proposals? M: UM upholds academic freedom. In the case of our research support, we don’t have any rule that says our faculty members must go to the department and its dean to present their proposals. No. All faculty members at the level of assistant professor or above can present their proposals directly to the Research Committee. It is totally free and they can present whatever they want to do in their areas of research. U: How much has UM progressed in teaching and research in recent years? M: In recent years, UM is committed to improving the quality of teaching. The majority of our faculty members hold PhD degrees, many of which are granted by renowned universities. Our faculty members also have rich international teaching experience and impressive academic backgrounds. UM will continue to recruit more faculty members with PhD degrees in the future. Both the number and citation frequency of published papers by UM members are on steady increase. Approximately 120 papers were published in 2009. The number rose to 500 (which is one paper per faculty member) in 2013, which is more than four times the number in 2009. According to Thomson Reuters Web of Science, in 2008 and 2009, the citation frequency of UM papers was only 100, but in 2013, it surged to 3,500. UMAGAZINE ISSUE 10 5 封面故事.COVER STORY