
澳大每年發表的期刊論文數量 * Yearly Number of Published Journal Papers (UM)* 澳大發表期刊論文每年引用次數 * Yearly Citation Frequency of Journal Papers (UM)* U: What is the greatest challenge faced by UM in research? M: Research funding is very important for a developing university. We are capable of funding more than 50 per cent of all research proposals, while in Hong Kong it’s usually around 20 per cent. So I think that in terms of funding we are in a good situation. One of our limitations is the number of our faculty members. Although we have recruited over 500 faculty members so far, these faculty members are shared by many areas at UM. The critical mass is not very high in some specific disciplines. In some areas there are usually only one to two professors. Another thing is that Macao is a relatively small city and not well-known in the world, and because of this, sometimes we encounter difficulties in setting up cooperative bridges with other universities in and outside the region. U: Tell us about the research achievements of the two state key labs. M: In 2009, UM received the approval for establishing Macao’s first two state key labs, the State Key Laboratory of Analog and MixedSignal VLSI (AMS-VLSI Lab), and the State Key Laboratory of Quality Research in Chinese Medicine (QRCM Lab). Both labs have achieved some very good results over the past five years. Because of the AMSVLSI Lab, UM is now one of the ten universities that have presented the most papers at the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) International solid-State Circuits Conference, which is considered the “Chip Olympics”. Related papers have been ranked Most Popular Papers in the IEEE Xplore database. The QRCM Lab has also done very well. It has been granted 12 Chinese and international patents. It also ranks among the top among all state key labs in China in terms of the number of papers per person published in SCI-indexed journals. In early 2014, the two state key labs passed the mid-stage assessment with flying colours. This and the increased research space on the new campus will allow UM to achieve even better results in these two key areas. 澳: 在學術研究方面,澳大面對的最大挑戰是甚麼? 馬: 研究資助對發展中的大學十分重要。澳大有 能力資助50%以上的研究申請,香港通常是 20%,我們資助比例遠高於香港,所以研究資 助方面澳大是有優勢的,但教學人員的規模 卻是我們的一個不足之處。雖然我們已經聘 請500多位教學人員,但這500多人是分散 到不同領域和學院的。在某些學科領域甚至僅 有一至兩位教授,以至達不到臨界量(critical mass)。此外,澳門很小,在國際上知名度 也不高,這讓我們有時候與其他大學合作會遇 到一些困難,這是澳大面對的另一項挑戰。 澳: 中藥及微電子兩個國家重點實驗室的研究成 果如何? 馬: 2009年澳大獲批成立澳門首兩個國家重點實 驗室。經過數年的發展,模擬與混合信號超 大規模集成電路國家重點實驗室的晶片研究 晉身國際固態電路會議論文數量最多的前10 名大學、論文晉身權威IEEE資料庫熱門排行 榜;中藥質量研究國家重點實驗室成功申請 12項國際或國內專利,師生平均發表的SCI 期刋論文數量,名列全國重點實驗室前茅。 在2014年初,兩個國家重點實驗室完成了中 期評估。中期評估的突出成績及新校園科研 發展空間的擴大,可以讓澳大在這兩個重點 領域取得更好的發展。 *包括:科學引文索引擴展版(SCI-E)、 社會科學引文索引 (SSCI)、藝術 與人文科學引文索引 (A&HCI) * including: Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-E), Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), Arts & Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI) As at August 2014 資料截至2014年8月 UMAGAZINE ISSUE 10 6 封面故事.COVER STORY