
U: Apart from microelectronics, Chinese medicine, and health sciences, are there any other priority research areas at UM? M: Computer and Information Science is another key area. Rector Wei Zhao is an expert in this field. He is a chief scientist for a project on the Internet of Things (IoT) which is under the 973 Programme, a national research development programme. This shows that UM enjoys a leading position in China in the field of IoT. Robotics and Cybernetics are other key areas. In recent years, we have recruited senior professors from around the world, including mainland China, Portugal, and the United States. These professors have done very well in research in various areas of social sciences. Macaology is one example. Macaology has now become a “world academic brand” of UM. We have also formed a multidisciplinary research team, which is focused on the studies of Macao-related issues and covers many areas. This team has published nearly 100 research papers and over 20 monographs. In the areas of sociology, criminology, and international relations, the number of published papers by UM faculty and students has also seen a marked increase. On the language front, the Chinese, Portuguese and English departments have also done very well. The above areas are all key research areas at UM. U: How can the Scientific Research Base on the new campus promote research development at UM? M: The Scientific Research Base on the new campus provides perfect “hardware” and “software” for research development. It also provides new opportunities which we didn’t have on the old campus. For example, there is more space for labs and equipment on the new campus. We are setting up a large number of new biology labs for the Faculty of Health Sciences. There is also a new animal house which allows us to keep animals in a better condition. We will probably also set up a centre for biology research—the P3 Lab, which is designed for research in infectious diseases. With a larger space on the new campus, we may also be able to create one or two spin-off companies from the research projects conducted by the state-key labs. 總建築面積123,860平方米的科研基地可助澳大開拓新的研究領域 The Scientific Research Base, with a gross floor area of 123,860m², can help UM explore new research areas. 澳: 除了微電子、中醫藥、健康科學的重點領域 外,還有哪些優先發展的研究領域﹖ 馬: 電腦及資訊科學亦是澳大的重點研究領域。趙偉 校長就是這領域的專家,他是中國內地國家重點 基礎研究發展計劃「973計劃」物聯網專案的首 席科學家,由此可見,在物聯網研究領域,澳門 在國家具有領導地位。除此之外,機械人學及控 制論也是科技方面的重點研究領域。此外,近年 我們從內地、葡萄牙及美國等地聘請資深教授加 盟,他們的研究非常突出,促進了社會科學領域 的研究和學術發展,例如「澳門學」已成為澳大 的一個「學術品牌」,並形成一支以澳門問題研 究為中心的多學科、跨領域的學術隊伍,至今已 發表有關研究論文近百篇,出版專著20多部; 在社會學、犯罪學及國際關係領域,師生的論文 發表量也顯著上升。語言方面,中文系、葡文系 及英文系亦有不錯的表現。上述領域都屬澳大的 重點研究領域。 澳: 新校園的科研空間增大,可如何促進研究發展? 馬: 新校園的科研基地,為研究發展創造了完善的 硬件和軟件條件,也為澳大帶來舊校園所沒有 的新機遇。例如,新校園為實驗室和儀器提供 了足夠發展空間,我們目前正在為健康科學學 院建立大量新的生物學實驗室。此外,新校園 有一個條件更好的新動物實驗樓。我們可能會 成立一個生物研究中心(P3 Lab)進行傳染病 防治研究,甚至有可能在國家重點實驗室研究 項目的基礎上創建一至兩間衍生公司。 UMAGAZINE ISSUE 10 7 封面故事.COVER STORY