
Wong Hang Heng is a postdoctoral research fellow who works with Prof Chuxia Deng. She chose to join UM because she knew Prof Deng to be a renowned expert on cancer research, and she hoped to join his team. ‘Over the past three years, I have learned a lot about cancer research, especially research on breast cancer,’ says Wong. ‘I have also learned a lot of valuable experience from Prof Deng, including how to develop my career.’ Fu Yinchang, a doctoral student of Chinese literature, studies with Prof Yang Yi, a leading authority on Chinese literary studies who is hailed as one of China’s best literary historians in the 21st century and one of the most creative and in$ uential scholars in contemporary China. ‘What I have learned the most from Prof Yang are his meticulous attitude towards academic research and his way of thinking,’ says Fu. ‘He o% en tells me that nothing is di& cult to the person with the right attitude. With the right attitude, one can accomplish anything.’ Great Knowledge and Great Character In addition to ‘great buildings’ and ‘great professors’, UM has also established a new educational system. In 2014, UM began implementing a complete residential college system, which is also the largest such system in Asia, to complement the academic faculty system. ! e university hopes that the residential colleges and faculties can combine to serve as the vehicles for implementing the ‘4-in-1’ education model, which consists of discipline-speci# c education, general education, research and internship education, and community and peer education, so as to provide a multifaceted education to students. Apart from classroom instruction, faculty members also participate in student activities outside the classroom. As Rector Wei Zhao o% en says, ‘! rough community and peer education implemented through the residential college system, we hope to help our students develop self-knowledge and self-con# dence, because these are the source of creativity. We want our graduates to possess not only extensive knowledge (great knowledge) but also a noble mind and cultured behaviour (great character).’ Rex Fung, a member of Chao Kuang Piu College, has been an active participant in campus activities over the past four years. ‘I have participated in various activities both inside and outside our residential college. ! ey have broadened my horizons and helped me make new friends,’ he says. ‘! e college provides opportunities for us to spend time with other students so we can become closer to each other. Living in the college allows us to enjoy campus life more.’ 大博大雅 澳大既有「大樓」和「大師」,還建立新 的教育體系。澳大在2 0 1 4 年全面引入亞 洲最具規模和最完整的住宿式書院系統, 與學院相輔相成,通過推行融合專業、通 識、研習和社群教育的「四位一體」的體 驗式教育模式,以全方法,多角度培育多 元人才。教師除了在課堂授課外,亦在課 堂外參與學生活動,關心學生,與學生交 流,全面達到育人的目的。正如趙偉校長 所言:「希望通過書院制度的社群教育模 式,致力於培養學生的自知和自信,因為 這兩者才是創造力的本源。澳大學生在畢 業時不但擁有廣博的知識(大博),也兼 具高潔的思維和儒雅的行為(大雅)。」 曹光彪書院院生馮嘉俊四年來,非常投 入校園的生活,不斷參加書院內外的各 類型活動,增長見識,廣結人脈。他認 為:「書院提供和同學的相處機會,彼 此關係更加親密,學生住在書院,更可 以享受校園生活。」 王衡馨博士 Dr Wong Hang Heng 封面故事• COVER STORY 8