
Sophie Chen, a member of Moon Chun Memorial College, believes that the musical ambience in the college has improved her own taste in, and knowledge of, music. ‘Our college master Prof Kevin ! ompson is a world-class musician,’ says Chen. ‘He has fostered a very good musical ambience in the college, which taught me how to appreciate the beauty of music and other art forms, and I think this will in turn have a very positive in$ uence on my character development.’ Liu Hong Cheng, a member of Cheng Yu Tung College, says, ‘Our college attaches great importance to helping us cultivate a reading habit. We are encouraged to read literature to improve our appreciation of literary works. Literature can help foster great character traits, and when you have great character traits, you know how to better handle interpersonal relationships, which will bene# t those around you. It will also increase your interest in studies. ’ 滿珍紀念書院院生陳宇丹認為書院的音樂氛 圍提升了她的音樂素養,「我們的書院院長 湯柏燊教授是一位世界級的音樂大師,他在 書院打造了非常濃厚的音樂文化氛圍,提高 了我的審美能力和道德修養,對我以後人生 發展有很大幫助。」 鄭裕彤書院院生劉宏成說:書院非常重視閱 讀,打造了濃厚的文學氣息,「通過閱讀文學 作品,可以提升學生的審美能力,從而培養大 雅的品格。當個人氣質提升後,待人處事會更 加好,你的朋友和身邊的人也會覺得不錯,而 且興趣和學習也會提高趣味。」 陳宇丹 Sophie Chen 住宿式書院其中一座大樓 One of the residential colleges 劉宏成 Liu Hong Cheng 澳大推行「四位一體」教育模式 UM implements a ‘4-in-1’ model of education 符愔暢 Fu Yinchang 馮嘉俊 Rex Fung 9 umagazine issue 16