
最近幾年,大學排名滿天飛。我們正好藉此 機會,重新討論一個老問題:大學教育的目 的是甚麼? 一方面,科技的發展使人類進入了一個美妙 而又令人生畏的新世界;另一方面,教育工 作者卻從傳統價值觀中找到了啟迪,幫助學 生應對不可預知的未來。亞洲國家對教育興 邦的道理篤信不疑,不惜大力投資打造世界 頂尖大學。為了追求學術卓越,它們採用了 不同的模式。 In an age when news of higher education is dominated by headlines of institutional rankings, it is perhaps a good time to pose the question: what is the purpose of university education? Paradoxically, as technology ushers in a brave yet formidable new world, we see a new relevance in our old values, as educators face the challenge of preparing our students for an unpredictable future. Asian countries have an abiding faith in education, investing heavily in building ‘world-class’ universities. In doing so, they are chasing different models for academic excellence. 大學教育的目的 ! e Purpose of University Education 文 Text│趙偉校長 Rector Wei Zhao 圖 Photo│編輯部 Editorial Board 澳大致力培養學生的自知和自信 UM aims to help students develop self-knowledge and self-belief 封面故事• COVER STORY 10