
馬雲就是這樣一位有自知之明、敢於冒險的人 物。他並非技術精英,但他眼光銳利,能洞察 先機,敢於憑直覺押注商機,這足以彌補其技 術知識不足的短板。 如果說馬雲代表著甚麼,那他代表的就是經歷 連串失敗後所取得的成功:高考兩次失利、求 職處處碰壁、創業也一波三折,甚至傳聞他被 哈佛大學拒絕錄取。 很多西方人認為中國人不過是不知羞恥的抄襲者, 卻忽略了中國人獨特的過人之處,那就是洞察良機 的慧眼和不畏風險的雄心。中國人有膽識,適應力 強,並且深諳「出奇制勝」之道。 如今全球大學排名成為公眾熱議的話題,我們卻認為更 有必要汲取古代先賢智慧,重新思考現代大學的意義。 培養學生自知自信 我們澳門大學決心致力於培養學生的自知和自 信,因為這兩者才是創造力的本源,而在現代 大學教育中往往被忽視。幫助學生認清自我、 認識自我,這一提法並不新鮮。新鮮的是,在 大學教育中構建一個「生態體系」將之落實, 該體系包括全面建立有益學生自我發展的書 院制度。亞里士多德曾告誡我們:「認識你自 己。」中國家喻戶曉的智者老子,也有一句警 言:「知人者智,自知者明。」大學應以人為 本,因此承擔著激發學生潛能的特殊使命。而 要想發揮潛能,必先自知、自信。 in being able to sni" out opportunities and betting on his hunches. If he represents anything, he represents the success of serial failures: failing his College Entrance Examinations twice, being turned down for jobs multiple times, his business ventures succeeding only on the third try. He had the dubious distinction of being rejected by Harvard as many as ten times. Many in the West dismiss the Chinese as shameless copycats. But they fail to see that unique Chinese genius: the nose for opportunities, and the stomach for taking risks. ! ey are bold, resilient leapfrog artists of the # rst order. At a time when the universities global rankings leaderboard is on the lips of the public, we decided to rethink the purpose of the modern university—by heeding the words of our sages. Self-knowledge and Self-belief We decided to aim at helping students to acquire self-knowledge and self-belief, realising that it is the fountainhead of creativity o% en overlooked by modern universities. Helping people to acquire self-knowledge is not new. What is new, in our case, is building an ecosystem that realises the ideal, including an extensive residential college system that is friendly to the development of the self. Aristotle exhorted us to ‘Know thyself’. Laotzu, China’s o% -quoted sage, reminded us that ‘Knowing others is wisdom. Knowing oneself is enlightenment.’ As a people-centred place, the university’s special mission is to bring out the best in students. But this attainment presupposes self-knowledge and self-belief. At # rst blush, the age of innovation is incompatible with the ancient pursuit of self-knowledge. But we soon realise that while knowledge itself may become obsolete, self-knowledge is an ever-$ owing stream of innovativeness. ! at is the renewed relevance of ancient wisdom. 亞洲國家近年大力投資教育培育人才 In recent years, Asian countries are investing heavily in education 封面故事• COVER STORY 12