
乍看之下,認識自我的古老智慧與追求創新的時 代似乎格格不入,但是我們很快就會發現,知識 或許會過時,但深刻的自我認識卻將是創造力的 不竭源泉。這就是古老智慧對當今的啟迪。 身處在因各種衝突而分裂的世界中,「認識自己」 更是一項道德義務。寬容的態度是受過良好教育的 標誌,寬容即包容多樣性和接納差異,對待遠至中 東、近在身邊的人與事,都能如此。對自己有清醒 認識的人通常更能包容,鮮少與他人發生衝突。 幫助學生認識自己 作為教育工作者,我們有責任幫助學生先認識 自己,而非急於改變世界或者評判他人。大學 應著眼於未來。智慧機器或許威脅到很多人的 飯碗,但在培養人才方面,機器永遠不能取代 人類。因此有必要營造教育環境,讓學生認識 自我,培養創新人才。 經過專業教育、通識教育、研習教育、社群教 育而培養出的新世紀畢業生,不僅專業根基深 厚,而且知識面廣博。前兩種教育是傳統的學 習,而後兩種是通過實踐學習。正是因為接受 了這些教育,畢業生才能在這個競爭激烈的時 代發現自身的價值。大學培養學生不同於企業 生產產品。大學重視學生的個性發展,而不是 像麥當勞那樣按照標準化流程製作漢堡包。大 學若不想被時代淘汰,就要培養學生立足於未 來的能力,帶領他們走出熟悉的「安全區」, 讓他們做好冒險的準備。 莎士比亞很早就曾斷言:性格決定命運。大學 的作用在於塑造學生的性格,讓學生認識自 我,培養學生的求知慾和冒險精神,從而擁抱 廣闊的世界。科技時代的繁榮與古老智慧並不 相悖,現代科技如能吸取先賢智慧的精粹,二 者定能碰撞出新的火花。 In a world torn apart by con$ ict, ‘knowing thyself’ is also a moral imperative. ! e hallmark of the educated is tolerance—a willingness to embrace diversity and di" erences, whether in the Mid-East or closer to home. ! ose who know themselves are less prone to intolerance and needless con$ ict. Help Students Know ! emselves As educators, we have a duty to see that students # rst get to know themselves before they rush to change the world or judge others. ! e university’s domain is the future. Smart machines may threaten to displace humans from many occupations. But there is one area in which machines can never replace humans---the nurturing of individual talent. ! at is why creating conditions that promote creative talent through self-knowledge is a paramount concern. ! e ideal 21st century graduate has both broad and deep knowledge, with discipline-speci# c education, general education, research and internship education, and community and peer education. ! e # rst two are conventional learning, the last two are learning by doing. It is in doing that we discover our true worth in a competitive century. Universities, unlike businesses, cater to individuality, not to the standardisation of product the way MacDonald’s handles its hamburgers. ! e best way to future-proof the university is to future-proof our students by bracing them for risk-taking, shoving them out of the safety of the familiar. As Shakespeare long ago realised, character is destiny. We are in the business of character-building, putting students in touch with themselves, embracing the wider world, while keeping them hungry for learning and risks. ! e age of technology should develop a new romance with ancient wisdom. It thrives on it, not in spite of it. 大學必須營造有利於學生成長的教育環境 A university must create a learning environment that is conducive to the students’ personal growth 短片:澳大之大 Video: UM's "4G" 13 umagazine issue 16