
澳門大學中華醫藥研究院和中藥質量研究國家 重點實驗室是澳大重要的研究基地,在中藥質 量與國際化產品研發中,中華醫藥研究院致力 以五個要求作為發展要點,分別是有效性、安 全性、穩定性、可控性及系統性,國際化的研 究團隊基於這五項發展思路進行產品研發,成 就及進展受到國內外高度評價。 樹皮修補人皮 你想過樹皮可修補受損的皮膚嗎?中華醫藥研究 院、中藥質量研究國家重點實驗室研究團隊依據 中醫中藥的經典理論,結合現代生物化學和藥理 學知識,對一系列具有活血化瘀、通筋舒絡的中 藥材開展藥物篩選,最終發現杜仲含有特殊的多 糖成分。這類成分自身並不促進細胞生長,但卻 可以與人體內專門促進血管新生和成熟的生長因 子「交朋友」,從而以「智能響應」的模式,幫 助破損的皮膚組織再生。 發起這項研究課題者、中華醫藥研究院助理教授王 春明之前在海外一直從事生物大分子與組織修復的 研究,對中藥和天然資源的活性分子頗感興趣。他 表示,當初給自己的研究團隊一個富有挑戰性的題 目,就是以「樹皮修補人皮」,研究團隊花了兩個 月的時間做資料搜集,找出15種活血化瘀、通筋舒 絡的中藥進行檢測,不過研究未如想像般理想。王 教授回憶:「學生花了一年半的時間研究,研究了 12種中藥都沒有取得成果,負責檢測的博士生還跑 來我的辦公室哭著說想放棄,不過當我們研究到第 13種中藥時,終於取得突破。」 王教授所說的藥材就是杜仲。杜仲味甘,性 ! e University of Macau’s (UM) Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences (ICMS) and State Key Laboratory of Quality Research in Chinese Medicine (SKL-QRCM) are important research institutes at UM. By following # ve standards, namely e" ectiveness, safety, stability, controllability, and systemisation, the international research team has not only made considerable progress in quality assurance and research and development activities, but has also earned accolades both at home and abroad. Repair Human Skin with Tree Bark Did you know that tree bark can be used to repair damaged skin? Based on classical theories of traditional Chinese medicine as well as modern biochemical and pharmacological evidence, the research team from the ICMS and the SKL-QRCM screened various Chinese herbs that are believed to relieve blood stasis and meridian obstruction by promoting blood circulation. ! e team found that the bark of Eucommia ulmoides (EU, commonly known as the hardy rubber tree) contains special molecules known as polysaccharides (a string of sugar molecules). ! ese molecules in themselves do not promote cell proliferation, but they can help damaged skin tissue regenerate in a ‘smart response’ mode by ‘making friends’ with the growth factors in our body that are responsible for promoting the formation and maturation of new blood vessels. Wang Chunming, an assistant professor from the ICMS, initiated this research project. Before joining UM, Wang focused on studies of biological macromolecules and tissue repair at overseas institutions, with a particular interest in the bioactive molecules in Chinese medicines and natural sources. Wang set his research team a challenging task: developing a way to repair human skin with tree bark. His team then spent two months collecting data. Eventually they found 15 Chinese herbs that were believed to relieve blood stasis and meridian obstruction by promoting blood circulation and tested them one by one, but none of them showed a satisfactory biochemical e" ect. ‘One day, one of my PhD students who was responsible for the testing came to my o& ce. He cried and told me he wanted to discontinue this study, because he and the other students had spent a year and a half studying 12 Chinese herbs without getting anywhere,’ recalls Prof Wang. ‘But we # nally achieved a breakthrough with the 13th herb.’ ! e herb that brought the breakthrough is EU, which is sweet in $ avour and mild in nature. According to Shennong's Classic of Materia Medica, it is mainly used to ‘treat lower back pain, improve the digestive 生產杜仲敷料的儀器 The equipment used to make EU-based wound dressings 15 umagazine issue 16