
王教授所說的藥材就是杜仲。杜仲味甘,性 溫,據《神農本草經》記載:「杜仲主治腰脊 痛,補中益氣,堅筋骨,強志。」《本草綱 目》記載「潤肝燥、補肝虛、能補腎」,有助 治療腰膝痛。澳大的研究團隊發現,從杜仲 中抽取的三號多糖(EUP3)分子,經生化及 小鼠實驗證明,具有非常有趣的效用。首先, 與想像中的「強力藥丸」不同,EUP3可是一 個非常安靜的分子。它在非損傷環境下,並不 會對人體細胞有太大作用。但是,一旦創傷發 生,EUP3彷彿是「火警響應」一般,立刻結 合有促進血管新生和成熟的生長因子,大大穩 定、延長和提高這類生長因子的作用,改善組 織缺血狀況,促進組織再生。傳統治療傷口的 做法,會利用外來生長因子打進人體讓皮膚復 原,不過這些不屬於人體的生長因子,在體內 很容易降解,而王教授的研究團隊認為,皮 膚的缺損部位其實並不缺這些生長因子,只是 它們游離和容易流失,難以發揮功效。「我們 的研究概念是利用類似皮膚組織結構的生物組 system and immune system, strengthen muscles and bones, and enhance mental strength.’ According to the Compendium of Materia Medica, EU can ‘nourish the liver and kidney and treat back and knee pain’. UM’s research team found through biochemical and vivo experiments that a type of polysaccharides extracted from EU, known as the EUP3, have very interesting medicinal e" ects. First of all, EUP3 do not act like powerful pills, as was previously imagined. Rather, they are quiet molecules that do not exert an obvious e" ect on human cells in a non-traumatic environment. However, in the case of a trauma, EUP3 immediately spring into action, in the same way # re # ghters respond to a # re alarm. ! ey bind and assemble growth factors that are responsible for promoting the formation and maturation of new blood vessels. By signi# cantly stabilising, prolonging, and enhancing the e" ect of these growth factors, they improve tissue ischemia and promote tissue regeneration. ! e traditional way of treating a wound is by injecting exogenous growth factors into the human body to help skin regenerate, but these growth factors do not belong to the human body and therefore degrade quickly in the body. Moreover, Prof Wang’s team believes that there is no lack of these growth factors at the injury site of the skin. However, these growth factors easily di" use and degrade. ‘! e idea is to use biological tissue that is structurally 研究杜仲敷料的團隊 The research team that developed EU-based wound dressings 專題探討• FEATURE STORY 16