
「大學之道在明明德,在親民,在止 於至善。」自古以來,教育最大的責 任是要培養學識淵博,品格高尚的學 生。澳大作為最高學府,當要承擔教 育人才的使命。今期封面故事,我們 採訪了老師、學生,暢談他們對大學 教育理念的看法,另外,趙偉校長也 撰文闡釋大學教育的目的。 今期我們訪問的學生當中有葡文系畢 業生,在事業上均表現出色,更利用 葡語的優勢令事業更上層樓;也有在 科研上取得重大突破的中華醫藥研究 院和科技學院師生,他們皆是反映澳 大教育理念良好實踐的例子。 我們還專訪了對澳門歷史素有研究的 葡文系老師Jorge Cavalheiro、研究獲 哈佛大學青睞的澳大濠江學者李家明 博士、獨當一面的全職藝術家鄧國豪 校友,還有兩位走進澳門社群,協助 澳門中學培養數學和生命科學種子的 梁應德教授和王雅凡教授。 學院專欄邀請了土木及環境工程系教 授兼教務長阮家榮介紹甚麼是結構健 康監測,社會科學學院歷史系教授李 憑分享其對拓跋部落的深入研究。 ‘!e way of great learning consists in manifesting one’s virtue and enlightening other people so as to achieve perfect goodness in society.’ Since the beginning of history, the greatest purpose of education has always been to nurture virtuous students with profound knowledge. As a higher education institution, UM has the responsibility to produce outstanding professionals for society. In this issue’s cover story, we interview faculty members and students about their views on UM’s educational philosophy. Rector Wei Zhao also wrote an article about the purpose of university education. We also interview several graduates of the Department of Portuguese, who have made signi"cant progress in their careers with the help of Portuguese language skills, as well as faculty members and students from the Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences and the Faculty of Science and Technology, who have made breakthroughs in their research. !ey are good examples of what can be achieved with the implementation of UM’s educational philosophy. Other UM members who are featured in this issue include Jorge Cavalheiro from the Department of Portuguese, who is an expert on the history of Macao; Dr Lei Ka Meng, a Macao Fellow at UM who has been invited by Harvard University to be a visiting scholar; UM alumnus Tang Kuok Hou, a full-time artist whose works have a unique style; as well as Prof Leong Ieng Tak and Prof Wang Yafan, who serve the local community by helping secondary school students discover their talents in mathematics and life sciences. In the Faculty Column, Yuen Ka Veng, registrar and a professor from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, explains structural health monitoring, while Prof Li Ping from the Department of History shares his research "ndings on the Tuoba tribe. 編者的話 Editor's Words Spring/Summer 2017 《ISSUE 16 第十六期》 電話 Tel: (853) 8822 8833 傳真 Fax: (853) 8822 8822 通訊 Mail: 中國澳門氹仔 大學大馬路 澳門大學N6行政樓G012室 Room G012, Administration Building, University of Macau, N6 Avenida da Universidade, Taipa, Macau, China 電郵Email: 網址Website: 總編輯 Editor-in-chief 張惠琴 Katrina Cheong 執行編輯 Executive Editor 張愛華 Ella Cheong 助理編輯 Assistant Editor 庄瑜婷 Cravina Chong 是澳門大學之官方刊物,每年出版兩期,旨在報導教學、科研及大學發展的最新動向。 is a biannual publication of the University of Macau. It aims to provide information on the latest development of the university in teaching, research and other areas. 翻譯 Translators 陳靜、蘇恩霆 Ruby Chen, Anthony Sou 顧問 Advisors 社會科學學院副院長Timothy Simpson 教授 Prof Timothy Simpson, Associate Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences 中國語言文學系主任朱壽桐教授 Prof Zhu Shoutong, Head of the Department of Chinese Language and Literature 傳播系副主任吳玫教授 Prof Wu Mei, Deputy Head of the Department of Communication 出版 Publisher 澳門大學 University of Macau ISSN: 2077-2491 張惠琴 Katrina Cheong