
杜仲敷料是中華醫藥研究院(ICMS)製劑工 程中心團隊精心烹製的「菜餚」之一。在院 長王一濤的帶領下,該中心多名全球招聘的教 授和博士分工合作,聚焦創新中藥與健康產品 研發,為澳門發展中醫藥產業出力。中心一項 值得關注的研究成果是「固液多態一體化膠 囊」,多態膠囊由澳大自主研發的多態一體 化膠囊填充機生產,是ICMS研究中的一個亮 點。2014年國家主席習近平到訪澳大,曾聽 取王一濤院長介紹多態一體化膠囊填充機。當 時習主席對澳大中藥研究進展感到十分高興, 並希望ICMS為國家實施創新驅動發展戰略作 出新的貢獻。 多態膠囊利用新型的填充技術,把水溶性和脂 溶性的經典藥方集合為一體,實現藥輔合一的 功效。在傳統的中藥智慧中,中藥需要各種不 同的成分組成,而多態膠囊可以把兩種不同的 成分濃縮在一顆藥丸中,達到最佳效果,簡單 說就是吃一顆藥丸就不用喝一大碗中藥湯。多 態膠囊的好處是可以控制藥力在體內的代謝和 分佈,不易在身體其他部分損失。在製備過程 中,多態膠囊更符合中藥多組分的特點,避免 了在加工過程中如揮發油等物質的流失,使得 製備過程更加精確、可控和穩定。 新研發技術:固液多態一體化膠囊 New Technology: Multi-phase Capsules EU-based wound dressings are developed by the ICMS’s centre for preparation engineering. Under the leadership of Prof Wang Yitao, director of the ICMS, the professors and doctors at the centre work together to develop innovative TCM-based drugs and health products, in an e" ort to promote the development of the Chinese medicine industry in Macao. Another noteworthy achievement of the centre are the multi-phase capsules, made with a UM-developed multi-phase capsule # lling machine. In 2014, President Xi Jinping visited UM and listened to Prof Wang explain how the multi-phase capsule # lling machine worked. President Xi was very pleased with UM’s progress in Chinese medicine research. During his visit, President Xi expressed his hope that the ICMS would make new contributions to the implementation of China’s innovation-driven development strategy. Multi-phase capsules combine water-soluble and fat-soluble ingredients from traditional formulae. Conventional wisdom in Chinese medicine holds that a treatment needs to have di" erent ingredients to achieve the best result. ! at’s what multi-phase capsules do. One multi-phase capsule combines two di" erent ingredients. To put it simply, taking one multi-phase capsule would achieve the same e" ect as drinking a large bowl of Chinese herbal soup. ! e advantage of taking a multi-phase capsule is that it can control where and how fast the medicinal substances are released in the body so as to make sure the potency is not wasted on the non-targeted parts of the body. ! e process of making the multi-phase capsules is better suited to the multi-ingredient nature of Chinese medicines in that it prevents the loss of medicinal substances like volatile oil. ! e result is a greater degree of precision, controllability, and stability. 多態膠囊 Multi-phase capsules 澳大自主研發的多態一體化膠囊填充機 The multi-phase capsule filling machine developed by UM 19 umagazine issue 16