
澳大葡文系是繼葡萄牙和巴西以外最大的葡語 系。隨著澳門特區政府對培養中葡雙語人才的重 視,報考澳大葡文系的學生也越來越多,在讀書 時期已得到大量翻譯實踐機會,畢業後更利用中 葡雙語的優勢在事業上闖出名堂;有部分校友更 去到葡語系國家發展,開創一番事業。 為莫桑比克總統做翻譯 在2016年中國-葡語國家經貿合作論壇(澳 門)第五屆部長級會議(以下簡稱中葡論壇), 澳大派出了52名精通葡語的本科及碩士生協助翻 譯及接待工作,把課堂上學習到的葡語應用在工 作崗位上。來自北京、修讀葡萄牙語言及文化─ 應用語言學碩士課程的張辰,大學畢業後曾到巴 西從事過翻譯工作,先後輾轉去過四個葡語國家 包括葡萄牙、巴西、安哥拉和莫桑比克,在當地 做過建築、機械、農業、商務等工作,更曾經幫 過莫桑比克總統做翻譯,張辰說:「為總統作翻 譯反而比較輕鬆,因為大家都是說些客套話,只 有部長級的會議才要翻譯實際內容。」 豐富的工作經驗背後,張辰認為自己在工作上 遇到瓶頸:「工作一段時間後,我覺得自己的 知識需要再提升,便決定到澳大深造。」張辰 認為翻譯是需要經過專門的訓練和具備專業的 知識,他舉例說:「澳門有很多懂得中葡雙語 的土生葡人,但要當即時傳譯卻不是很多人能 做到。師傅領進門,修行在個人,翻譯要靠自 己的努力去提升經驗才能越做越好。」 ! e Department of Portuguese at the University of Macau is the largest Portuguese department outside of Portugal and Brazil. As the Macao SAR government attaches more and more importance to producing professionals pro# cient in both Chinese and Portuguese, the number of students applying to UM’s Department of Portuguese is also increasing. Students enrolled in the Department of Portuguese not only have abundant opportunities to practice their translation and interpreting skills; they also enjoy an advantage in career development a% er graduation. Some alumni from the department have even pursued successful careers in Portuguese-speaking countries. Translating for the President of Mozambique In 2016, UM sent 52 undergraduate and postgraduate students who are pro# cient in Portuguese to assist with translation and guest reception at the Fi% h Ministerial Conference of the Forum for Economic and Trade Cooperation Between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries (Macao). ! e experience provided the students with an opportunity to practice what they learned in the classroom in a real-life setting. Zhang Chen, a student from Beijing who graduated from the Master of Arts Portuguese Language and Culture – Applied Linguistics programme worked as a translator in Brazil a% er graduation. Apart from Brazil, he has also worked in three other Portuguese-speaking countries, namely Portugal, Angola, and Mozambique, in construction, machinery, agriculture, and business. At one time, he worked as an interpreter for the president of Mozambique. ‘Translating for the president was actually easy, because they basically just exchanged pleasantries,’ he says. ‘Translating for the ministerial conference was a di" erent matter because there were more than pleasantries involved.’ As he gained more and more work experience, Zhang felt he reached a plateau. ‘A% er working for a while, I felt the need to upgrade my knowledge, so I decided to pursue further studies at UM,’ he says. Zhang believes that it takes specialised knowledge and professional training to produce a competent translator. ‘For example, there are many Macanese in Macao who speak both Chinese and Portuguese, but very few can work as competent simultaneous interpreters. ! e teacher can impart all the skills, but it’s up to the student to perfect those stills. When it comes to translating, you will only get better if you keep improving your skills and gain more experience. ’ During the Sino-Portugal forum, Zhang was responsible for receiving the delegation from the Republic of Guinea—Bissau. ‘Some members of the 張辰認為翻譯要不斷努力提升才能越做越好 Zhang Chen believes that a translator needs to constantly perfect her skills 21 umagazine issue 16