
學葡語帶來成就感 曾於澳門高美士中葡中學任教葡萄牙語十年, 現職教育暨青年局語言推廣中心代主任的黃崢 志是澳大葡文系首屆畢業生。大學四年,他獲 益最大是開拓了思維與眼界,「中學時自己太 著重於記憶以至於變得不求甚解,而葡文系不 僅著眼於語言學習,還重視開拓學生的視野, 老師靈活和開放的教學方式,對自己的思維方 式產生很大的影響。」 在中學的時候,黃崢志就讀澳門一所中文學 校,沒有學過葡語,而且成績中等,屬於不起 眼的學生。進入大學後,在老師和同學的鼓勵 和激發下,由零開始努力學習,很快便能跟上 課程,「葡語令我的信心大增,畢業後,我也 因為葡語的關係,受到上司的賞識和提拔。」 多年葡語教學經驗令黃崢志體會到作為葡語教 育工作者的價值和樂趣,「在整整14年葡語 學與教的歲月裡,葡語跟我密不可分。葡語帶 給我的是自我實現,在學業上和事業上的成就 感,更令我體會到只要把一件事情做好就是專 家這個道理。」現在他轉職到教育暨青年局語 言推廣中心工作,希望以自身的能力,在不同 層面上為澳門的葡語推廣做更多的工作。 Sense of Achievement from Learning Portuguese Wong Chang Chi is among the # rst cohort of graduates from the Department of Portuguese. He taught Portuguese in the Luso-Chinese Secondary School of Luís Gonzaga Gomes for ten years. Currently, he is the acting director of the Language Promotion Centre under the Education and Youth A" airs Bureau (DSEJ). He feels the greatest gain from his four years at UM is that the experience helped broaden his horizons. ‘In middle school, I was too focused on rote learning to truly understand the deep meaning. ! e Department of Portuguese not only provides language instruction, but also helps broaden the students’ horizons. ! e $ exible and open teaching method has had a great in$ uence on my way of thinking,’ he says. Wong studied in a Chinese middle school that did not o" er Portuguese courses. It was only a% er he joined UM that he started to learn Portuguese from scratch. With the encouragement and help of his teachers and fellow students, he quickly caught up with the rest of the class. ‘Learning Portuguese has greatly boosted my self-con# dence. A% er I started working, I won approval of my boss and got promoted because of my knowledge of the language.’ With many years of experience in learning and teaching Portuguese, Wong is keenly aware of the value and joy of being a Portuguese language instructor. ‘I have spent 14 years learning and teaching Portuguese,' he says. It has become an important part of my life. Portuguese has brought me self-actualisation, a sense of achievement, and the realisation that an expert is simply someone who focuses on doing one thing really well.’ Now working in the DSEJ’s Language Promotion Centre, he hopes to do more to promote Portuguese in Macao. Starting a Business in Angola António Ip graduated from UM in 2009. A% er graduation, he and his girlfriend (now his wife) both received job o" ers from a company in Angola. So they decided to pursue a career there. In 2014, four years a% er their arrival in Angola, Ip opened a restaurant with his friends. When they # rst arrived in Angola, the country had just entered a truce, with full-scale reconstruction underway. But this also brought many career opportunities for them. ! anks to their knowledge of Portuguese language, they quickly gained trust from local companies, and successfully built professional experience and networks. 葡語為黃崢志開拓思維與眼界 Learning Portuguese has broadened Wong Chang Chi’s horizons 23 umagazine issue 16