
安哥拉創業 葉進洲在2009年畢業,畢業後,在一次機緣 巧合下,他與同班同學兼女朋友(現在的妻 子)獲安哥拉的一間公司聘請,決心到當地開 拓事業。工作四年後,他在2014年與朋友合 作創業,冀在安哥拉的餐飲界創一番事業。 離開澳門遠赴陌生國度,與葉進洲原本想追求 平凡生活的夢想有巨大反差,他說:「我剛到 安哥拉時,這個剛停戰的國家到處都是百廢俱 興,但也為我和女朋友帶來很多的發展機會。 由於熟悉葡語的關係,我倆在當地更能贏得公 司信賴,我們還利用自己的語言優勢,不斷積 累經驗和人脈。」 葉進洲肯定葡語對其事業發展的幫助,「學 葡語是正確的選擇。澳門現時選擇讀葡語的 人都是真心想利用葡語的優勢來發展事業。 全球以葡語為母語的人數超過兩億,但是精 通三門語言的卻很少,因此,這類人才發展 空間很大。」 葉進洲說:「澳大葡文系學生的優勢是對 環境的適應力較強,大學裡面有很多實習機 會,能夠幫助學生更加容易融入工作環境。 」他鼓勵學生不妨走出澳門,看看外面的世 界。對於未來,他打算在事業穩定之後把澳 門的人才帶到安哥拉發展,也會給予學弟妹 一些經驗和工作機會。 Ip believes that Portuguese language skills have bene# ted his career development. ‘I made the right decision to study Portuguese,’ he says. ‘Many people in Macao choose to study Portuguese because they genuinely hope to use their knowledge of the language to take their careers to the next level. Over 200 million people in the world speak Portuguese as their mother tongue, but only a handful are pro# cient in three languages. ! is means there is a world of opportunities for people who can speak three languages.’ ‘UM students are very adaptable to change, which is their advantage,’ he says. ‘! e university o" ers many internship opportunities to help students adapt to their work environment faster.’ He encourages students to travel abroad and see the outside world. He hopes to invite talented people, including current UM students, to join his company a% er he establishes himself in Angola. 葉進洲認為澳大葡文系學生對環境的適應力較強 António Ip believes UM students are very adaptive to change 葉進洲於安哥拉開設餐館 António Ip’s restaurant in Angola Working in Market Development in Portuguese-speaking Countries Yu Cong obtained her bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the Department of Portuguese. She is currently working in a state-owned electrical power company in Beijing as the Manager and Translator for Portuguese-speaking Countries, and is responsible for market development in those countries. Because of her work, she o% en needs to meet ambassadors, attachés, and other government o& cials from Portuguese-speaking countries. ‘I feel very lucky that the internship experiences I had while studying at UM helped me quickly adjust to my work environment, and allowed me to e" ortlessly handle the company’s relationships with various stakeholders, including key government o& cials,’ she says. ‘When I just graduated from UM, the biggest challenge for me was not about language; the biggest challenge for me was to learn everything about the industry from scratch. ! at is a lot to learn. And it is what I will be working to improve in the future. ’ 專題探討• FEATURE STORY 24