
從事葡語國家市場開發工作 于聰在葡文系本科和碩士畢業後,進入北京一家 大型電力央企擔任葡語國家國別經理兼翻譯,從 事葡語國家市場開發工作,會經常接觸葡語國家 的大使參贊及國家政府人員。她說:「很幸運我 在澳大讀書期間積累的實習經歷讓自己快速適應 工作環境,從容應對各方關係的協調及政府及高 端領導間的溝通。剛畢業時,對我來說最大的挑 戰就是語言以外,我需要從頭學習這個行業領 域的技術和業務知識,那是有一個龐大的知識系 統,這也是我今後工作的重點努力方向。」 于聰當年選擇來澳大,主要是看到中葡雙語人才 的發展前景,「中國與葡語國家的聯繫越來越緊 密,澳門作為橋樑紐帶,舉辦中葡論壇,為國家 各個行業的國企和民企帶來更多經濟效益和發展 機遇。隨著對葡語國家發展機遇的重視提升,中 葡雙語人才隨之迎來更多的機遇和選擇,葡文系 畢業的內地生在國內的發展也佔有很強的優勢。 葡語讓我既可以結合興趣還可以做許多有意義的 事,通過葡語國家,我開始和世界的其他角落有 了更多的溝通和聯繫,視野也更加廣闊。」 ! e main reason Yu chose to study at UM was because she foresaw that people who can speak both Chinese and Portuguese would be in great demand. ‘With the ties between China and Portuguese-speaking countries growing increasingly close, Macao as a bridge of communication is bringing more and more economic bene# ts and opportunities for both state-owned enterprises and private enterprises in di" erent industries,’ she says. ‘As people become more and more aware of the opportunities in Portuguese-speaking countries, people who are pro# cient in both Chinese and Portuguese will have even more opportunities and choices. Mainland students who graduate from the Department of Portuguese also enjoy a strong advantage when they return to mainland China for career development. For me personally, Portuguese allows me to do many things that both interest me and are meaningful. ! rough Portuguese-speaking countries, I am beginning to have more communication and contacts with the other parts of the world, which has broadened my horizons.’ 莫桑比克副外長和莫桑比克駐華大使率團參觀于聰(右二)的公司時,由她擔任中葡翻譯 Yu Cong (2nd from right) translates for Mozambique’s vice minister of foreign affairs and cooperation and Mozambique’s ambassador to China during their visit to the company 短片:學葡文首選澳大的理由 Video: Why UM Is Our Top Choice for Learning Portuguese 短片:由零開始學葡語 Video: How I Learned Portuguese from Scratch 短片:在安哥拉創業的校友 Video: UM Alumnus Starts a Business in Angola 25 umagazine issue 16