
目錄 CONTENTS Spring/Summer 2017 《ISSUE 16 第十六期》 封面故事 COVER STORY 02 澳大之大:大樓、大師、大博、大雅 UM’s 4Gs:Great Buildings, Great Professors, Great Knowledge, Great Character 專題探討 FEATURE STORY 14 新研發技術 杜仲令皮膚再生 Technological Breakthrough at UM: From Tree Bark to Skin Regeneration 20 葡文系學生出路各不同 中葡雙語助事業更上層樓 How Portuguese Language Skills Benefit UM Graduates’ Career Development 人物專訪 INTERVIEW 26 對東方文化情有獨鍾 專訪葡文系Jorge Cavalheiro A Westerner' s Love Affair with Eastern Cultures Interview with Jorge Cavalheiro from the Department of Portuguese 32 獲哈佛大學青睞 澳大濠江學者李家明博士 Visiting Scholar at Harvard: UM’ s Macao Fellow Dr Lei Ka Meng 38 澳大博士生赴牛津大學研究伊波拉病毒 UM Doctoral Student’ s Ebola Drug Design Project at Oxford 42 尋找被遺忘的角落 校友鄧國豪眼中的澳門 Searching for Overlooked Landscapes Macao Through the Eyes of UM Alumnus Tang Kuok Hou 服務社群 COMMUNITY SERVICE 48 澳大走進中學 培育科學種子 UM Cultivates Young Science Talent in Secondary Schools 學院專欄 FACULTY COLUMN 52 甚麼是結構健康監測? What Is Structural Health Monitoring? 56 從草原到中原 From the Grasslands to the Central Plain 1 umagazine issue 16