
1960年代的澳門是葡萄牙的殖民地,是一個 佈滿林林總總舊式民房,寧靜悠間的小城。 當時Cavalheiro的父親因工作由葡萄牙遷居 澳門,帶同家人一起來到澳門定居,住進位 於觀音堂(即普濟禪院)附近由政府提供的 住房。對從未接觸過東方文化的Cavalheiro 來說,與葡萄牙的生活相比,澳門是一個截 然不同的城市,因此,他對身邊各式各樣的 事物都充滿著好奇。 Cavalheiro自小在觀音堂出入,經常遊走這富 有佛教特色的廟宇,他對觀音堂中國傳統特色 的裝潢以及宗教祭祀甚感興趣。為了深究其文 化底蘊,他開始跟僧侶們溝通,並努力學習廣 東話,慢慢學會每樣物件的讀音和意思。時至 今日,他經常到觀音堂,重拾童年回憶,他笑 言:「觀音堂仍然保留它原有的風貌,那些祭 祀、供奉的觀音菩薩像、石桌都完好無缺。起 初我對這些東西一無所知,感到十分陌生。但 當瞭解它們背後的故事和史料之後,現在我很 熟悉它們。這裡是我長大的地方,現在我們一 起慢慢變老了。」 另一個Cavalheiro常去的地方是紅街市,雖然 他住在澳大,但他每週還堅持到位於市區的紅 街市一趟,除了買東西之外,最重要是探望少 年時的老朋友。他會用流利的廣東話跟他們打 招呼、寒暄。因為懂廣東話,令這位擁有西方 面孔的葡萄牙人順利成章融入了澳門社會。 專注中西文化研究 儘管Cavalheiro在澳門完成中學後回葡萄 牙升讀大學,但他對澳門車水馬龍的橫街 小巷,售賣地道小食的特色店舖念念不 忘。1984年,Cavalheiro重新踏足澳門這遍 土地,驚覺澳門的轉變遠超他所想。他說: 「澳門的變化比我想像中大,因為經濟的急 速發展,導致很多舊式店舖關閉,我感到很 可惜。事實上,澳門有它獨有的特色,但由 於現今社會趨向全球化,所以現在澳門整體 的生活與其他地方差異不大。」 Cavalheiro. ‘! e stone table and the statues of Kun Iam, buddhas and bodhisattvas are still perfectly intact. At # rst I knew nothing about these things, so they didn’t mean anything to me, but a% er I learned the stories behind them, I felt I knew them well. ! is is where I grew up, and now we are growing old together.’ ! e Red Market is another place frequented by Cavalheiro. Although he lives on the UM campus, he visits the Red Market every week to do grocery shopping and visit childhood friends. He would chat with his old friends in $ uent Cantonese, the mastery of which has helped him integrate into Macao society. An Avid Learner of Eastern and Western Cultures A% er graduating from high school in Macao, Cavalheiro returned to Portugal to pursue higher education. But he o% en thought of the busy streets and alleys in Macao as well as the eateries selling authentic local foods. In 1984, he returned to Macao, only to # nd that the city had changed beyond recognition. ‘! e changes that occurred in the city during my absence were far greater than I had imagined. Many old shops were forced out of business as a result of the rapid economic growth, which was a shame,’ says Cavalheiro. ‘Actually, Macao has its unique characteristics, but amid the trend towards globalisation, the way of life in Macao is now not much di" erent than that in other parts of the world.’ 觀音堂是Cavalheiro經常到的地方 Cavalheiro has been a frequent visitor to Kun Iam Tong since childhood 人物專訪• INTERVIEW 28