
懂葡語助瞭解澳門歷史 由於澳門的中葡文化歷史因素,澳門作為中 國與葡語系國家的橋樑有明顯的優勢。除了 與葡萄牙建立長年的合作關係外,澳門早與 葡語系國家有廣泛和密切的聯繫,例如在貿 易、經濟、金融、商業、旅遊等方面都扮演 著重要的角色。Cavalheiro認為學生們懂葡 語除了有助瞭解澳門的歷史之外,還可以推 動中國與葡語國家的發展,拓闊國際視野。 他說:「學生修讀葡語不僅只局限去認識 葡萄牙文化,還能去到其他葡語系國家如巴 西、安哥拉、莫桑比克等地發展。澳大現在 開辦更多語言的翻譯課程,經過嚴格挑選的 師資隊伍以及教程資源的提升,相信能令學 生們盡展所學。」 Knowledge of Portuguese Language Aids Understanding of Macao’s History Because of Macao’s historical connection to Portugal, it enjoys an unparalleled advantage in ful# lling the role as a ‘bridge’ between China and Portuguese-speaking countries. Besides Portugal, Macao has long-standing relations with other Portuguese-speaking countries as well and plays an important role in the areas of trade, economy, # nance, commerce, and tourism. Cavalheiro believes that knowledge of the Portuguese language not only can help students better understand the history of Macao; it can also promote the development of collaboration between China and Portuguese-speaking countries. ‘Students who understand Portuguese not only can learn more about Portuguese culture; they can also explore opportunities in other Portuguese countries such as Brazil, the Republic of Angola, and Mozambique,’ he says. ‘UM now o" ers translation courses in a greater variety of languages, taught by a select faculty. ! is, and the constantly improving teaching resources, will certainly help students achieve their full potential.’ 三輪車是從前澳門人最常用的交通工具 Rickshaws used to be the most common means of transport for Macao residents 人物專訪• INTERVIEW 30