
為了推動澳葡兩地的發展,澳門特區政府近 年在規劃中制訂葡語專業人才培訓計劃,進 一步培養葡語專業人才。Cavalheiro喜見 葡語在澳門越來越受重視,他說:「葡語是 中葡關係發展的重要溝通媒介,特別是想要 瞭解澳門歷史,對認識澳門過去的史料有很 大的幫助,因為以前很多文獻和法律都以葡 語為主,所以懂葡語能追溯城裡早已被遺忘 的人、事、物。」 澳大葡文系擁有文化背景多元的教師團 隊,在雄厚的師資力量配合下,將開辦更 多完善的中葡雙語課程,讓學生能鞏固中 葡語言基礎及得到全面發展。Cavalheiro 認為,澳門具有學習葡語的良好環境,透 過課程,澳大將培育更多中葡雙語專才。 畢業後,學生能拓展多項中葡合作領域, 立足澳門,將視野拓展到海外,促進中國 與葡語系國家的多元發展。 To promote the joint development of Macao and Portugal, the Macao SAR government formulated a plan for training Portuguese language professionals. Cavalheiro is pleased to see that the Portuguese language is receiving more and more importance in Macao. ‘! e Portuguese language is an important medium of communication in the development of the Sino-Portugal relations. It is very helpful for understanding Macao’s history, because much historical literature and many laws were mainly written in Portuguese. Knowledge of the language can help rediscover people, events, and objects from the past that have long been forgotten.’ With a culturally diverse faculty team, the Department of Portuguese is planning to open more bilingual courses in the future to help students improve their Chinese and Portuguese language skills and to achieve well-rounded development. Cavalheiro believes that Macao has a good language learning environment for Portuguese learners, and through these courses UM will be able to produce more bilingual professionals pro# cient in Chinese and Portuguese. A% er graduation, students can explore di" erent areas of collaboration to promote the joint development of China and Portuguese-speaking countries. Cavalheiro 教學認真受學生歡迎 Cavalheiro is a dedicated teacher and is much liked by his students 短片:Jorge Cavalheiro - 走出去回看澳門 Video:Looking Back at Macao – An Interview with Jorge Cavalheiro 31 umagazine issue 16