
澳大芯片技術處世界前沿 UM is now a world leader in the field of chip technologies 在澳門土生土長的李家明博士在澳門大學完成電 機及電子工程學士以及電機及電腦工程博士學 位,並憑出色的科研成就獲聘為澳大濠江學者。 今年獲邀到哈佛大學擔任訪問學者,在研究路上 加以精進,冀以研究成果貢獻世界、回饋澳門社 會及母校的栽培。 大二立志從事科研 李家明博士2012年在澳大獲得電機及電子工程 學士學位,同時是澳大榮譽學院(HC)的首 屆畢業生。由於他在研究方面的出色表現,他 於本科畢業後直接獲澳大錄取為博士研究生。 澳大嶄新的教學模式對李博士的研究起了很 大作用。作為首屆HC畢業生,他表示HC所提 供的「榮譽生研究經驗建立計劃」讓他及早為 以後的研究生涯定下目標和計劃。此計劃給予 HC學生一個跟隨所屬學院的教授從事研究工 作的機會,李家明在裡面參與了「模擬與混合 信號超大規模集成電路國家重點實驗室」的頂 尖研究項目,為他在科研路上打下了堅實的知 識基礎和累積了寶貴的經驗。 「在大二時有幸能參與重大研究項目,發現將 微電子的技術應用在生物研究上還有很大發展 空間,於是決定以此方向發展。那一年可說是 我人生的轉捩點。雖然研究不時會遇上挫折, Dr Lei Ka Meng, who was born and raised in Macao, obtained a bachelor’s degree in electrical and electronics engineering and a PhD degree in electrical and computer engineering from the University of Macau (UM). Because of his outstanding research achievements, Dr Lei was recruited by UM as a Macao Fellow a% er graduation. ! is year he has been invited by Harvard University to be a visiting scholar. Deciding to Become a Researcher in Sophomore Year Dr Lei received his bachelor’s degree in electrical and electronics engineering from UM in 2012. He was also among the # rst cohort to graduate from the UM Honours College (HC). Because of his outstanding performance in research, he was admitted to the university for PhD studies directly a% er graduation. Dr Lei has benefited greatly from the university’s new educational model. As one of the first graduates of the HC, he says that an HC programme which is designed to help students gain research experience encouraged him to set his career goals. The programme provides each student with the opportunity to conduct research under the guidance of a professor from his or her faculty. Through this programme, Dr Lei was able to participate in some of the best research projects of UM’s State Key Laboratory of Analog and Mixed-Signal VLSI (AMS-VLSI Lab). These projects helped him develop a solid foundation in scientific research and allowed him to gain hands-on experience that would later prove invaluable. 33 umagazine issue 16