
更要經常通宵達旦去完成研究項目,但我很享 受當中的過程。當你見到自己的研究成果被認 同時,那種喜悅是言語無法形容的。」 研究降檢測成本時間 李博士現正研究的「先進微流體及集成電路技 術的並行核磁共振平台」能大大提升核磁共振 實驗的操作效率和成效,並廣泛應用到生物檢 測技術,例如用在血液和蛋白質的分析檢測, 並能大大降低傳統生物檢測的成本和時間。他 解釋說:「市面上的檢測方法一般需要一些 大型的儀器,並且涉及到大量人手和時間,有 了這項核磁共振技術後,將儀器的體積大幅縮 小,成本從五、六十萬澳門元降低到三、四萬 澳門元。而且不一定在大醫院,即使是較偏遠 或落後地區的小型診所也能負擔得起,希望此 技術能普及至世界各地。」 剛巧哈佛大學也正進行一項相似的研究,李博士 因而受到哈佛的青睞,獲邀於今年下半年到哈佛 擔任訪問學者,為期兩年。被問到今次要到世界 頂尖的大學做研究會否很緊張,他鎮定表示不會 緊張,「多年來在澳大的歷練和高水平的科研使 我保持正面的心態面對這些機會和挑戰,唯獨要 多準備,多看相關研究的文獻。」 Dr Lei says he was very fortunate to have the opportunity to participate in important research projects during his sophomore year at UM. ! rough those projects he realised there was enormous untapped potential in applying microelectronics technology to biological research, which ultimately led to his decision to pursue a career in this # eld. ‘! at year was a turning point in my life,’ says Dr Lei. ‘Although I encountered many challenges in research and o% en had to work all night to complete those projects, I enjoyed the process very much. No words can describe how happy I am to learn that my research # ndings are recognised by others.’ Research to Lower Cost and Time of Diagnostic Tests Dr Lei is currently working on his research project, a parallel nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) platform combining advanced micro$ uidic, magnetic-sensing and integrated circuits technologies, which can signi# cantly increase the e& ciency and e" ectiveness of NMR experiments. ! e technologies can be applied to biological diagnostic tests, such as blood and protein tests. ! ey can e" ectively reduce the cost and time of traditional diagnostic tests. ‘! e current diagnostic tests usually require the use of large devices and a lot of manpower and time. With the NMR technique, we no longer need to use large devices for diagnostic tests and can bring down the cost from between MOP 500,000 and MOP 600,000 to between MOP 30,000 and MOP 40,000,’ he says. ‘In addition, this technique allows diagnostic tests to be done outside hospitals. Even clinics in remote and backward regions can a" ord it. I hope this technique will be promoted to all parts of the world.’ It so happens that some researchers at Harvard University are conducting a similar project. Learning of Dr Lei’s research, Harvard invited Dr Lei to be a visiting scholar for a two-year term, starting from the second half of 2017. When asked whether he is nervous about conducting research at a world-class university, Dr Lei says he feels very calm. ‘ I have learned how to maintain a positive attitude towards opportunities and challenges a% er many years of experience conducting high-quality research at UM,’ he says. ‘I will read more related research documents to prepare myself for it.’ 用於定點診斷的C M O S 核磁共振系統,大大降低 傳統生物檢測的成本和時間。 A CMOS nuclear magnetic resonance system for point-of-care diagnosis can significantly reduce the cost and time of traditional biological diagnostic tests 李家明博士的研究能大大降低傳統生物檢測的成本和時間 Dr Lei Ka Meng’s research can help to significantly reduce the cost and time of traditional biological diagnostic tests 人物專訪• INTERVIEW 34