
研究獲國際肯定 今年2月,李博士獲國際電機電子工程師學 會(IEEE)固態電路學會頒發「博士生成就 獎」,該獎項頒發給固態電路領域的傑出研 究生。他將在其博士論文的基礎上完成一本 研究書籍,將由國際科學技術界最大出版社 Springer出版並於今年發表。 李博士出色的研究能力在本科時已獲得業界認 同。他本科時的其中一項研究成果在SCI期刊 發表,另一篇論文則在2013年亞洲高質量電 子設計研討會上獲最佳論文獎。在攻讀博士期 間,他主力研究用於定點診斷的CMOS核磁共 振系統,這是一個新的跨學科研究領域,為通 過手提設備對生物目標進行智能偵測提供了可 能,研發成果分別獲知名期刊《IEEE 固態電 路期刊》、《Lab on a Chip》、《Analyst》 和IEEE國際固態電路研討會、IEEE 亞洲固 態電路研討會以及國際化學與生命科學之微 型系統會議發表。 Gaining International Recognition In February 2017, Dr Lei received the prestigious Predoctoral Achievement Award from the Solid-State Circuits Society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), which is given to outstanding postgraduate students in the # eld of solid-state circuits. Lei’s PhD thesis will be expanded into a research book to be published in 2017 by Springer, the world’s largest science publisher. Dr Lei’s research capacity has been recognised since he was an undergraduate student. One of his research projects during that time led to a paper published by an SCI-indexed journal. Another of his papers received the Best Paper Award at the Asia Symposium on Quality Electronic Design 2013. During his PhD studies, Dr Lei focused on a new multi-disciplinary direction, a CMOS NMR system for point-of-care diagnosis, which makes possible intelligent detection of biological targets on a handheld platform. ! e related # ndings have been published in well-known journals, namely IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, Lab on a Chip, and Analyst, as well as presented at the IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), IEEE Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference (ASSCC), and the International Conference on Miniaturised Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences. E I E E 澳門大學模擬與混合信號超大規模集成電路國家重點實驗室師生於美國三藩市舉行的國際電機電子工程師學會( ) 6 4 S I S 第 屆國際固態電路研討會( C C )發表研究成果。今年澳大共有六篇論文被會議接納,為論文數量發表最多的頂尖 大學之一,反映澳大近年在亞洲地區微電子領域中之領先地位。 Faculty members and students from the AMS-VLSI Lab present their research findings at the 64th IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference held in San Francisco, United States. Six papers from UM were accepted at this year’s conference, placing the university among the institutions with the most papers presented at the event. This shows international recognition of UM’s leading position in the field in Asia. 35 umagazine issue 16