
感恩澳大豐富資源 如果校園是大學的「大樓」和基石,那麼老師就是 大學的「大師」和靈魂所在。李博士在本科時就認 識到他的啟蒙老師、微電子專家麥沛然教授,「他 是我的良師益友,一直引導著我的成長,他對研究 的那份專注和熱誠也一直感染著我。另外我很欣賞 他會與學生一起去解決問題,即使犧牲很多休息時 間也在所不計。」 澳大在科研和學術研究上也投入了豐富的資源,對投 身研究的學生給予了巨大的支持。李博士表示,「在 讀博士期間並沒有做過任何全職或兼職工作。有澳大 的研究資助和獎學金令我能夠專注於研究工作。」他 補充,澳大予以每位從事學術研究學生一份大致相當 於全職收入之資助,因此他不用擔心經濟上的壓力。 澳大科研大樓為從事研究的師生們提供了完善和高水 準的硬件設備。在軟件上,澳大亦設立了濠江學者計 劃,鼓勵並培養本地有潛質的年輕學者從事學術研究 和科研工作,給予資助以支持他們發展學術事業。李 博士也是因為得到了計劃的支持才得以前往哈佛。他 說:「在哈佛完成研究工作後希望回澳大從事教職。 始終我在澳門出生、長大,家人朋友都在澳門。我希 望將來能夠發表更多出色的論文,在研究上有更好的 成果,以報答澳大對我一直以來的悉心栽培。」 Grateful to UM for Abundant Resources If the foundation of a university is its campus, then the soul of a university must be its faculty members. Dr Lei met his mentor, Prof Mak Pui In, when he was an undergraduate student. ‘Prof Mak is not only my teacher; he is also my friend. He has been guiding me since the beginning. His dedication to research and his passion have had a great in$ uence on me,’ says Dr Lei. ‘He is willing to spend a lot of his personal time solving problems together with his students. I admire him for that.’ UM devotes considerable resources to research and provides great support for student researchers. ‘When I was a PhD student, I did not have a full-time or part-time job,’ says Dr Lei. ‘UM’s research funding and scholarships allowed me to focus on research.’ He adds that UM provides students who are involved in research activities with # nancial support equal to the salary of a full-time job, in order to spare them # nancial worries. In addition to providing state-of-the-art research facilities for faculty members and students, UM has also launched the Macao Fellow Programme to encourage talented young scholars from Macao to participate in research. Participants in the programme will receive sponsorship to develop their academic careers. Dr Lei’s research activity at Harvard is supported by the programme. ‘I hope to return to UM to teach a% er completing my research at Harvard, because I was born and raised in Macao and my family and friends are all here,’ he says. ‘I hope to publish more papers and achieve better results in research as my way of repaying UM.’ 李家明博士獲IEEE固態電路學會頒予「博士生成就獎」後,與恩師麥沛然 教授(右)及副校長(研究)馬許願教授合照。 A photo of Dr Lei Ka Meng with Prof Mak Pui In (right) and Vice Rector (Research) Prof Rui Martins after Dr Lei received the Predoctoral Achievement Award from the IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society 短片:澳大濠江學者參與哈佛研究 Video: UM’s Macao Scholar Participates in Harvard Research 37 umagazine issue 16