
攝影作品《連》 Tang’s work Line 攝影作品《馴化》 Tang’s work Acclimation 澳門高中畢業後,鄧國豪考入台灣銘傳大學數位媒 體設計系,在台灣的兩年逐漸覺得設計不是他最終 想做的工作,於是返回澳門並考入澳大社會學系。 他坦言社會學的課程令他能以不同的角度看待社 會,亦對社會的可能性有更多的想像,「從大學開 始,我開始對生活提問,思考人與社會之間有甚麼 關係?」 過去幾年,鄧國豪一直以人造自然景觀為創作題 材,「景觀本來是為人而創造,但如果被創造的空 間沒有和人產生互動的時候,我就會開始思考空間 原本的意義。」通過日常的觀察,他留意到城市的 環境其實是人造自然景觀的一種,也是人「馴化」 自然環境所產生出來的結果。「例如正常的光合作 用是早上才會進行,但連晚上也會進行的就只有城 市。但我們不能因此認為光害就是完全的破壞,如 果晚上沒有燈光照亮城市而維持運作,城市的生活 機能就會停頓。」 他說:「社會學教會了我們用批判的角度思考,但 同時也要用一個中立的角度去解釋事物依然存在社 會上的原因。」他的一系列作品,包括《馴化》、 《連》等,將其在社會學中習得的理論,如關於城 區的發展、對社區的想像,以視覺化呈現出來。「 在澳門當中專注於地景拍攝的人並不多,因此本地 觀眾對此類題材會比較陌生,而目前收藏我的作品 大多數都是外國人比較多。」 A% er graduation from high school, Tang was admitted to the Department of Digital Media Design at Ming Chuan University in Taiwan. But a% er spending two years in Taiwan, he realised that design was not a career path he wanted to follow. So he returned to Macao to pursue a degree in the Department of Sociology at UM. ! e programme in sociology taught him to look at society from di" erent perspectives and prompted new ideas about how he might depict society with his camera. ‘Ever since my college days, I have been raising questions about life, such as what is the relationship between man and society?’ he says. Over the past few years, arti# cial landscapes have been the main subject of Tang’s works. ‘Landscapes were created for humans, but if the created space fails to interact with humans, I would start to think about the original meaning of space,’ he says. His daily observations led him to the realisation that the urban environment is actually a kind of arti# cial landscape, and is also the result of man’ acclimatisation to the natural environment. ‘For instance, photosynthesis normally only occurs during the day. Cities are the only place where photosynthesis also occurs at night. But we should not think of light pollution only in terms of its damage. If there were no lights to illuminate the city at night, the various functions of a city would come to a halt,’ he says. Sociology teaches critical thinking, but it also provides objective knowledge about the persistence of social norms and forms. Many of Tang’s works, including Acclimation and Line, are visual representation of the theories he has learned in sociology. ‘! ere aren’t many photographers in Macao who focus on landscapes, so the local audience isn’t very familiar with this subject. Currently the collectors of my works are mostly foreigners.’ 人物專訪• INTERVIEW 44