
用批判的角度思考 鄧國豪的創作甚有個人特色,他透過鏡頭嘗試將 都市的刻板印象消解、解構,再將人、社群、地 方、自然與記憶重新連結及建構起來。他的作品 不是普通的攝影,而是融入了他對社會的觀察, 可以說,他的每一個作品都是一次對社會學的調 查。除了《人類觀》外,他的其它作品完全看不 到人的存在,但可透過線索,例如建築、於晚上 包圍著城市的人造光源等,間接找到人的存在。 「我的世界裡雖然看不到有人,但通過有人存在 的痕跡,重新發掘人與城市之間的互動。我主要 是不想直觀地說出人對自然的影響,而是通過畫 面元素重新發掘日常當中我們如何影響自然,如 ! ink Critically Tang’s works have a unique style. He attempts to deconstruct people’s stereotyped impressions of cities and then reconstruct that impression by reconnecting people, community, places, nature, and memory. His works are not merely documentary photographs; they re$ ect his observations and interpretations of society. Indeed, each work is a # eld study in sociology. Apart from Human Scenery, his works are completely devoid of human presence. But there are always clues, such as buildings and arti# cial light sources, that point to human activity. ‘Although you can’t # nd humans in my works, you will discover the interaction between humans and the city through these subtle clues,’ he says. ‘I don’t want to show humans’ impact on the natural environment in an explicit way. I want the audience to discover on their own how humans a" ect and interact with nature in the same way a detective pieces together clues to solve a case. I think it’s more interesting that way.’ 何與自然進行互動。這方式像是偵探尋找線索一 樣,很有趣。」 鄧國豪認為其作品得以能完整地表達,最要 感謝社會學系的教授,特別是副教授Peter Zabielskis和助理教授呂家玟,「我在課外經常 找老師討論不同的觀點,他們會點評我的作品 Tang is grateful to his professors from the Department of Sociology, especially Associate Professor Peter Zabielskis and Assistant Professor Lu Chia-Wen. ‘I would o% en discuss questions with my professors a% er class, and they would comment on my works and o" er very good suggestions,’ he says. ‘Since my college days, Peter and I have been discussing the di" erent viewpoints in sociology, and he has also taught me many valuable life lessons. ! ese discussions have inspired my works and made me see life in a di" erent way.’ 鄧國豪的作品並非單純的攝影作品,而是融入他對社會的觀察。圖為其作品《人類觀》 Tang’s works are not merely documentary photographs; they re! ect his interpretations of society. Pictured is his work Human Scenery 45 umagazine issue 16