
並提出很好的指導建議。由大學到現在,Perter一 直有跟我討論不同的社會學觀點及處世的道理,對 我的創作和人生很有啟發。」 賭場外的城市 除了社會學背景為他提供創作的方向外,鄧國豪自 身成長經歷也一直影響著他的創作。他自小住在 高士德區的唐樓,鄰居關係密切。但自澳門經濟起 飛,社區急速發展後,大量勞工的遷入,令他自覺 鄰居的關係失去了原本的親密。回憶兒時每當自己 抬頭都是佈滿天線的天空,如今天線的景像已經所 剩無幾,他其中的一輯作品《連》中的天線一方面 反映社區的變化,一方面也透視出人際關係的日漸 疏離。他說:「社區的不斷重整,令到人際互動變 得越來越格式化,轉變成慣性的冷漠。透過這些作 品,外國人可從中發現澳門除了賭場竟然有這種舊 城建築,而我更想讓人們通過作品去瞭解澳門社會 的變遷和人們之間慣性的冷淡。」 Beyond the Casinos Apart from his background in sociology, his childhood experiences are also an important in$ uence on his works. He grew up in a tenement in the Horta e Costa District where people enjoyed close relationships with their neighbours. But the fast economic growth in Macao led to a large in$ ux of labourers and a rapid expansion of housing estates, which in turn caused such close neighbourly relationships to dissipate. Tang still remembers looking up, as a child, and seeing the sky crisscrossed with power lines, a scene he rarely sees now. ! e power lines in his work Line shows the changes in the residential communities and the ever-distant relationship between people. ‘With the constant restructuring in the housing estates, human interaction is becoming more and more a matter of going through the motions. And gradually, coldness becomes the default way in which people treat each other. I hope my works can help foreigners understand that apart from casinos, there are also these kinds of buildings in the old part of the city. More importantly, I want to help people understand the changes in the Macao society and the cold way in which people habitually interact with each other,’ he says. 鄧國豪的成長經歷一直影響著他的創作 Tang’s works are greatly influenced by his childhood experiences 大學時期的作品,於2015年澳大傳播週與牛房倉庫合辦的攝影展覽上展出。 Tang’s works during his college years. They were exhibited in 2015 in a photography exhibition co-organised by UM and Ox Warehouse Before becoming a full-time artist, Tang worked as a part-time artist’s assistant in college, during which time he actively participated in art exhibitions and competitions both at home and abroad. A% er graduation, he held a clerical job for a year, but then decided to quit to become a full-time artist. ‘I only live once. To me, spending eight hours every day in the o& ce doesn’t seem like a sensible way to spend this once-only life,’ 人物專訪• INTERVIEW 46