
還未成為全職藝術家前,鄧國豪曾經在大學的課 餘時間擔任藝術家助理和積極參加海內外的藝術 展覽及比賽,畢業後曾從事文員工作,但一年 後他決定辭職,走上全職藝術家之路,「生命有 限,每日被關在辦公室八小時對我來說並不太理 智。」他寄語學生儘早發掘自己的志業,「志業 可令你獲得更多的樂趣,也是人生中可以長期經 營的活動,它未必成為你的全職,但你亦可以藉 著它成為你的第二事業。」 鄧國豪小檔案 1989年於澳門出生。2010年肄業於台灣銘傳 大學數位媒體設計系,2015年澳門大學社會 學系畢業。至今已參加過30餘次本地及海內 外藝術展覽,以及舉辦過兩次個人展覽, 作品曾入選澳門視覺藝術年展、法國PX3攝 影比賽,以及獲得何鴻燊博士基金會藝術獎 等。作品被澳門藝術博物館、澳門東方基金 會、澳門創意空間等收藏。代表作品有《 連》、《人類觀》及《光合作用》。 個人網站 Personal website : About Tang Kuok Hou Tang Kuok Hou was born in Macao in 1989. He studied at the Department of Digital Media Design, Ming Chuan University, in 2010, and graduated from UM’s Department of Sociology in 2015. He has participated in more than 30 art exhibitions both at home and abroad. He has also held two solo exhibitions. His works have been selected for Macao Annual Visual Arts Exhibition, the Prix de la Photographie, Paris (P×3), and the Dr Stanley Ho Foundation Art Award. His works are currently housed in various institutions, including the Macao Museum of Art, Macau Orient Foundation, and Creative Macau. His representative works include Human Scenery, Line, and Photosynthesis. 參加酒店藝術博覽會的展覽現場作品 Tang’s works exhibited at a hotel art fair he says. He encourages students to discover their vocations as early as possible. ‘Finding your vocation will make you happier. Your vocation may not become a full-time job, but it can become a second career that you can work on for the rest of your life.’ 短片:澳大校友鄧國豪以攝影之眼觀察社會 Video: UM Alumnus Tang Looks at the World Through Camera 47 umagazine issue 16