
梅貽琦先生說過:「大學之大,非大樓之 大,乃大師之大。」澳門大學憑藉建造新校 園的契機,在2014年全面遷入佔地1平方公 里,比老校區面積大約20倍的新校園。因著 這個千載難逢的機遇,澳大從世界各地招攬 了眾多國際知名的大師,每年更邀請諾貝爾 獎得主、圖靈獎和菲爾茲獎得主到來演講, 讓學生可以面對面聆聽大師之言。此外,澳 大還推行「四位一體」新教育模式,培養學 生自知和自信的良好品格。 今期封面故事,我們探討澳大在教育路上, 如何不斷反思、探索和創新,達到培養在專 業學術追求上達致「大博」,在人生價值和 品格追求上達致「大雅」的跨學科人才的教 育目標。 Mr Mei Yiqi once said: ‘! e greatness of a university lies not in great buildings, but in great professors.’ In 2014, the University of Macau (UM) relocated to a one-square-kilometre new campus that is approximately 20 times the size of the old campus. Seizing the unprecedented opportunity brought by the new campus, UM successfully recruited many world-renowned scholars in di" erent # elds. In addition to recruiting high-calibre professors, the university also regularly invites intellectual titans, including recipients of the Nobel Prize, Turing Prize, and Fields Medal, to give lectures on campus in order to broaden students’ horizons. In addition, the university has implemented a ‘4-in-1’ model of education to help students develop self-knowledge and self-con# dence. In this issue’s cover story, we discuss how UM produces students with multidisciplinary talent who work to develop ‘great knowledge’ and ‘great character’ by continuously re$ ecting, exploring, and innovating. 3 umagazine issue 16