
星星之火 大家都說教育要從小做起,中學的基礎教育確 實重要。梁教授回憶十幾年前仍為一個很有數 學天賦卻因家庭條件而放棄讀書的學生感到惋 惜:「今時不同往日,如今政府資源多,教學 方法也在改良。我們都是澳門的一分子,理應 去服務社會的不同學校,訓練學生,發掘人 才。這是對大學資源的更好利用,是對澳門有 利的事。」王教授也分享說:「我那時大三才 有機會進入實驗室,而現在的中學生都有機會 來澳大親身接觸,這是培養興趣很好的機會。 作為老師我除了做好大學本職工作外,也需要 從不同渠道去服務回饋社會,而中學教育就是 其中的一條路。能夠幫助澳門培養未來的人 才,令我感到很有意義。」 星星之火,可以燎原。有時當下做的一些事, 或許暫時還看不到成果。但那就像為一棵棵幼 苗澆水施肥,假以時日,總有一天能綻放出美 麗的花朵。 A Little Spark Can Kindle a Great Fire Most people agree that education should start as early as possible. ! erefore, the basic education provided by secondary schools is very important. Prof Leong recalls a case from over a decade ago where a mathematically talented student was forced to give up education because of # nancial reasons. ‘! ings are di" erent today. ! e government now pours a lot of resources into education. Teaching methods are also being continuously improved,’ he says. ‘Both of us are members of the Macao community, so we feel it’s our duty to serve the community by educating students and helping them discover their talent. ! is is a better way to use the resources provided by the university, and it also bene# ts the development of Macao.’ Prof Wang says that she did not have the opportunity to use a laboratory until her third year in college, while secondary school students today can use the labs at UM. ‘! is provides a very good opportunity to cultivate their interest in science,’ she says. ‘Besides ful# lling my duty as a faculty member at UM, I feel the need to give back to society through di" erent channels, and teaching secondary school students is one of them. It is a very meaningful job because I can help to nurture students that will become the pillars of Macao.’ A little spark can kindle a great # re. Sometimes the e" ort we make to do something may not produce immediate results, but just like a well-attended seed will blossom into a beautiful $ ower, so too will the e" ort bear fruit over time. 梁應德教授培養了不少數學幼苗 Prof Leong has nurtured many mathematically talented students 梁應德教授培養的學生在第56屆國際數學奧 林匹克上奪金 A student trained by Prof Leong receives a gold medal at the 56th International Mathematical Olympiad 短片:澳大教授走進中學培育科學種子 Video: UM Professors Popularise Science in Local Secondary Schools 51 umagazine issue 16