
1,800年前,在大興安嶺和陰山之間的大草原上活躍 著一支部落。這支部落是鮮卑族的支族,以拓跋為 姓,依靠狩獵謀生。 天母相遇 在拓跋部落之內,口耳相傳著一則故事:一天,部 落酋長詰汾正在追逐野獸,忽然看見一輛華麗的 花車從天而降,徑直駛到他的面前停住。車簾拉 開,下來一位美麗女子,許多侍女簇擁著她。詰汾 感到萬分驚訝之際,美女卻先已開口說道:「我乃 天女,受天帝之命與郎君相偶。」當晚兩人結為連 理。第二天清晨,天女告訴詰汾,明年的此時她還 會來到此地。說罷天女起身離去,如同一陣清風拂 過。第二年的同一日期,詰汾先行到達往年相會的 地方,天女果然也來赴約,拓跋部落中的許多群眾 都來圍觀。詰汾見天女手上抱著一名男兒,心中疑 惑。天女將男兒交給詰汾,對詰汾說道:「此兒是 郎君之子,請善自撫養。今後當子孫相繼,世代為 王。」天女說罷,趁著詰汾驚喜之間,轉身奔入人 群之中。詰汾四處尋找,卻再也見不到了。 About 1,800 years ago, on the grasslands between the Daxing’anling Prefecture and the Yin Mountains there thrived a hunting tribe named Tuoba, which was a clan of the Xianbei tribe. Encounter with the Daughter of Heaven Within the Tuoba tribe, there is a legend that has been passed down from generation to generation. According to the legend, one day, the chief of the tribe, Ji Fen, was chasing a beast, when suddenly an elaborately-decorated chariot descended from the sky and stopped in front of him. Out of the parted curtains of the chariot stepped a beautiful maiden surrounded by many maidservants. The dumbfounded Ji Fen heard the beauty say, ‘I am the Daughter of Heaven, and I am here by the order of the God of Heaven to be your mate.’ They spent the night together, and the next morning, the maiden told Ji Fen that she would return to the same spot on the same day the next year. With that, she rose and disappeared like a breeze. On that very day of the following year, Ji Fen arrived at the old spot first. The maiden kept her promise and returned too. Many people from the Tuoba tribe travelled to the spot to witness the reunion. Ji Fen was puzzled to see a baby boy cradled in the maiden’s arms, but she handed the baby to him and said, ‘This is your son, please take good care of him. Your son shall be the king and his offspring shall succeed him as the king.’ With that, the maiden turned around and disappeared into the crowd, leaving the overjoyed Ji Fen looking everywhere in vain. This legend may sound fantastical, but from an anthropological point of view, it is actually not as far-fetched as it sounds. It symbolises the inevitable change from intra-tribe marriage to inter-tribe marriage in primitive society. The story has stayed in people’s memories as a 李憑是澳門大學社會科學學院歷史系教授,兼任中國魏晉南北朝史學會終 身榮譽會長。研究範疇涉及中國古代史和魏晉南北朝史,重要著作有《北 魏平城時代》、《從草原到中原──拓跋百年》。 Prof Li Ping is a professor of the Department of History at the University of Macau. He is also the honorary life president of the Chinese Society of the Wei, Jin, Northern and Southern Dynasties. His main research interests include the history of ancient China and the histories of Wei, Jin, and Northern and Southern dynasties, with many important books published in the field, including Pingcheng Era of the Northern Wei Dynasty, and From the Grasslands to the Central Plain—Tuoba in 100 Years. 孕育拓跋文明的搖籃嘎仙洞 Gaxian Cave, the cradle of the Tuoba civilisation 57 umagazine issue 16