
澳門大學自2014年遷入新校園後,擁有了設 備完善的校園硬件(大樓),更招聘了眾多 優秀的大師,同時引入新的教育體系,實踐 教育抱負。究竟澳大如何利用新的環境,新 的教育理念培養人才? 大樓林立 在國家和澳門特區政府的支持下,澳大在 2014年遷入由澳門特區法律實施管轄、位於 廣東省珠海市橫琴島的新校園,全面引入亞洲 最具規模和最完整的住宿式書院系統,並實施 「四位一體」教育模式,以體驗式、全方位、 多角度手段培養具有國際視野的優秀人才。新 校園佔地一平方公里,比舊校園大約20倍, 擁有60多幢建築物,讓澳大可以更好地施展 教育抱負,推行新的教育模式。 UM’s relocation to the new campus in 2014 not only allowed the university to pursue its educational goals in a better environment, but also gave the university an advantage in recruiting high-calibre faculty. How does UM take advantage of the new environment and new educational philosophy to produce outstanding graduates? Great Buildings ! anks to the great support of the central government and the Macao government, UM in 2014 relocated to a new campus which covers one square kilometre, is about 20 times the size of the old campus, and has more than 60 buildings. Moreover, the new campus is physically located on Hengqin Island, Zhuhai, Guangdong province, but is under the jurisdiction of the Macao Special Administrative Region. A% er moving to the new campus, UM established a complete residential college system, which is also the largest such system in Asia. ! is residential college system and the unique ‘4-in-1’ education model enable the university to provide a multifaceted education to students so they can grow into well-rounded people with a global mindset. 築巢引鳳 匯聚人才 Create Better Conditions to Attract the Best People 標誌性建築 ── 圖書館 The university library, a landmark on campus. 封面故事• COVER STORY 4