
這則傳說聽似神奇,其實並不荒誕。從人類學看 來,這是從氏族內部通婚轉變成為氏族之間通婚的 典型事例,是原始社會時期人類婚姻形態的必經環 節。天女相偶的故事,如神話般留存在人們的記憶 之中,卻意味著這個部落的歷史上一場關乎生育健 康以及社會結構改變的重大革新。於是,此後數十 年間拓跋部迅速發展,壯大成為擁有20萬部眾的軍 事部落聯盟。 建北魏王朝 天女所生的男兒長大成為勇士,後來果然被部眾擁 立為王,他的名號叫力微。在力微的率領之下,拓 跋部遷徙到黃河河套。西元258年,力微在河套以 東的盛樂故城(位於今內蒙古和林格爾縣)聚眾祭 天,建立邦國。此後,力微的子孫也相繼為王,並 與中原漢族王朝一直保持和親關係。 西晉以後,中原地區陷入長達百年的分裂割據局 面。拓跋部乘機向東南發展,挺進到雁門關以北, 於398年在平城(位於今山西大同市)建立北魏王 朝。力微的第六代孫拓跋珪成為北魏開國皇帝,號 為道武帝。道武帝統治時期,平城拓展成為北方各 族聚居的重鎮,人口達到150萬。 piece of mythology, but in the history of the Tuoba tribe, it ushered in revolutionary changes in reproductive health and societal structure. Over the next decade, the tribe expanded rapidly and eventually became a military force with 200,000 members. Founding the Northern Wei Dynasty The son of the Daughter of Heaven grew up to become a warrior. Later he was installed as the king of the tribe, known as Li Wei. Under the leadership of Li Wei, the Tuoba migrated to Hetao, a region in the upper reaches of the Yellow River. In 258 AD, Li Wei held a Heaven Worship Ceremony in Sheng Le (present-day Helingeer County in Inner Mongolia), located to the east of Hetao, and established a state there. As foretold in the legend, Li Wei’s offspring succeeded him as the king, and maintained marriage alliances with the Han states in the Central Plain. After the Western Jin dynasty, the Central Plain fell into splintered parts and languished in disarray for over 100 years. The Tuoba tribe seized the opportunity to expand southeastward until they reached the north of Yanmengun. In 398 AD, the Tuoba established the Northern Wei dynasty in Pingcheng (present-day Datong city, 「大代萬歲」拓件——平城宮城文物 A relic from Pingcheng 李憑教授在平城方山考察 Prof Li Ping conducts field research in Fangshan, north of Pingcheng 學院專欄• FACULTY COLUMN 58