
那樣,來自草原的拓跋部奇跡般地出現在中原,隨 後散佈在華夏大地,融匯入各民族之間。拓跋部的 融入,為中華民族的肌體注入了新鮮血液,促進了 中華文明的升華。中華民族的凝聚和中華文明的發 展正是由許許多多像拓跋部這樣的部落陸續加入和 貢獻自己而形成的,這些部落的名號雖然在現實中 消失了,但是永遠留存在歷史記載中。 學術成果總結成書 從草原到中原,拓跋部數百年發展的過程已經 成為陳跡,但是永遠熠熠閃光,給後人以深 刻的啟示。作為拓跋部文明留下的結晶,石窟 藝術、懸空寺建築以及貫通南北的白道,它們 一直是令後人驚歎不已的瑰寶。受此感動,筆 者滿懷景仰的心情,以數十年的精力從事拓跋 歷史的研究,將其學術考證成果總結成為《北 These measures promoted Xianbei’s integration into the big Chinese family. By doing so, Emperor Xiaowen injected fresh blood into the Chinese body politic. The development of Chinese civilisation would not have been possible without the integration of the various tribes like the Tuoba. Although these tribes no longer exist, even in name, they will forever remain in the annals of history. Turning a Decade of the Research into a Book Stories of the Tuoba tribe have become distant history, but they will forever shine in our memory and inspire posterity. ! e cultural heritage le% behind by the Tuoba, including the grotto art, the hanging temple, and the White Road connecting the north and the south, never ceases to amaze later generations. Inspired, I wrote a book titled, ‘Pingcheng Era of the Northern Wei Dynasty’, based on my more than a decade of studies of the history of the Tuoba. ! is book has received recognition from the academic community. Its third edition was published in 2014. 位於山西渾源恒山山口始建於北魏的懸空寺 The hanging temple in Mount Heng, Shanxi. It was first built in the Northern Wei dynasty 60 學院專欄• FACULTY COLUMN