
魏平城時代》一書。這部專著受到學術界的認 可,到2014年已經印製第三版。 雖然歷史距離我們遙遠了,但是對於現實依舊 是有意義的,所以希望更多的人瞭解拓跋的 研究。要達到這個目的,最好的辦法就是將研 究成果通俗化。通俗讀本不僅應該文字暢達易 懂,而且需要思想凝練,因此可以說,通俗化 的過程其實也是對以往研究的嚴格審查。筆者 最近又出版了與《北魏平城時代》配套的作品 《從草原到中原—拓拔百年》,以通俗的筆觸 將學術考證貫穿起來,以突顯天女、力微、道 武帝、太武帝、孝文帝等為代表的拓跋百年歷 史。實踐表明,從事科普創作也能產生社會效 應,《從草原到中原—拓拔百年》於2016年年 底被內地評選成為「中國影響力」書籍。 Although history happened in the distant past, it still has relevance today. That is why I wrote the book—I hope to help more people understand the history of the Tuoba. The best way to achieve this goal is to share my research findings in a way that can be easily understood by the mass audience. That requires expressing well-organised thoughts in simple, concise, and coherent language. So the process of popularisation is in essence a rigorous review of my previous studies. Recently, I published a new book, From the Grasslands to the Central Plain—Tuoba in 100 Years, as a complement to Pingcheng Era of the Northern Wei Dynasty. In this book, I try to tell the history of Tuoba in plain language, highlighting key historical figures such as the Daughter of Heaven, Emperor Daowu, Emperor Taiwu, and Emperor Xiaowen. My experience shows that popular social science books can also create a social impact. From the Grasslands to the Central Plain—Tuoba in 100 Years was named one of the influential books in China in late 2016. 雲岡石窟大佛 The Buddha statue in Yungang Grottoes 「學院專欄」內容僅代表作者個人意見 The views expressed in the Faculty Column are solely those of the authors, and do not necessarily reflect the views of umagazine or UM. 61 umagazine issue 16