
澳大在原有的人文學院、工商管理學院、教 育學院、法學院、社會科學學院、科技學院 和中華醫藥研究院的基礎上,設立健康科學 學院,並邀請生命科學領域頂級美籍華人科 學家鄧初夏教授出任院長。健康科學學院在 科研大樓內設立與研究範疇相匹配的研究中 心和研究所,分別是:癌症中心、生殖發育 及衰老中心、轉化醫學研究所。目前正在籌 備澳門大學精準醫學研究和培訓中心,以及 計劃成立傳染病中心。 科研大樓內設有兩個國家重點實驗室,分別是中 藥品質研究國家重點實驗室和模擬與混合信號超 大規模集成電路國家重點實驗室。兩個國家重點 實驗室的研究達到世界最尖端的水準。中藥國家 重點實驗室獲國家科技部批准為第一所中醫藥領 域的國家重點實驗室,已發表逾600篇具影響力 的高端論文。北京大學、台灣大學、香港大學和 澳大四校共建中華創新藥物研究中心亦設於該實 驗室內。微電子國家重點實驗室的芯片設計在國 際舞台建立了一定的知名度和影響力,特別在低 功耗高能效模數轉換器領域。澳大在只接受有芯 片測試驗證結果集成電路領域最權威的IEEE固態 電路的期刊和會議的論文發表量國際排名第二, 領先於眾多國際著名大學和企業。 中華醫藥研究院博士生魏金超說:「2015 年,中藥品質研究國家重點實驗室搬到新校 區之後第一年,整個團隊取得了很好的研究 成果,相較於我們離開老校區2013年那年整 整多了一倍的產出。」 模擬與混合信號超大規模集成電路國家重點 實驗室副教授麥沛然說:「論及科研氣氛、 硬件水平,澳大絕不遜於國外一流大學,不 少研究人員更擁有靈活頭腦、創意思維,具 備從事科研的素養。實驗室在過去幾年積極 發展,還引入了化學和生物的技術,我們希 望在微電子的基礎上,可以交叉發展出更具 影響力的研究成果。」 With the move to the new campus, the university relocated the various existing faculties, including the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, the Faculty of Business Administration, the Faculty of Education, the Faculty of Law, the Faculty of Social Sciences, the Faculty of Science and Technology, and the Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences (ICMS). In addition, UM established a new faculty a% er relocation to the new campus, namely the Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS), with Prof Chuxia Deng, a leading Chinese American scientist in the # eld of life sciences, serving as the dean. Located in one of the Research Buildings, the FHS has several research centres and institutes focused on di" erent areas of research, including the Cancer Centre; the Centre of Reproduction, Development & Aging; and the Institute of Translational Medicine. Currently it is preparing for the establishment of a research and training centre in precision medicine. ! ere are also plans to establish a centre for contagious diseases in the future. ! e two state key laboratories, namely the State Key Laboratory of Analog and Mixed-Signal VLSI (AMS-VLSI Lab), and the State Key Laboratory of Quality Research in Chinese Medicine (QRCM Lab), are also located in the Research Building. ! e research conducted in these two state key laboratories has reached the highest professional standards in the respective # elds. ! e QRCM Lab was the # rst state key laboratory in the # eld of Chinese medicine approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology. So far, sta" from the laboratory have published over 600 in$ uential academic papers. ! e research centre for innovative drugs based on traditional Chinese medicines, jointly established by Peking University, Taiwan University, the University of Hong Kong, and UM, is also located in the QRCM Lab. ! e chips designed by the AMS-VLSI Lab now enjoy a good international reputation and impact, especially in the # eld 兩個國家重點實驗室均設於科研大樓內,目前正在籌組第三個 國家重點實驗室。 The two state key laboratories are both located in the Research Buildings. A third state key laboratory is currently under preparation. 5 umagazine issue 16