
大師雲集 澳大擁有實力雄厚,來自全球的國際師資團隊, 其卓越的學術和科研成就獲得國際的認可。這批 頂尖的師資團隊中包括有國家973首席科學家、 計算機科學家趙偉教授和倪明選教授,微電子專 家馬許願教授、材料科學專家程海東教授、計算 機智能系統研究專家陳俊龍教授,癌症研究專家 鄧初夏教授,中國文學研究泰斗楊義教授等來自 全球各個不同範疇的領軍人物。 此外,澳大還邀請了不同領域的知名專家學者 擔任住宿書式書院院長,分別有電漿物理權 威劉全生教授、文學家鍾玲教授、比較教育及 學生事務專家余小明博士、歷史學家龐百騰教 授、材料力學專家葉銘泉教授、語言學家許德 寶教授、音樂家湯柏燊教授、新聞法律與新聞 道德教學研究學者梁偉賢教授、結構力學專家 姚偉彬教授。在院長們的帶動下,各個書院形 成了各自不同風格的書院文化。 除了招聘到大師的加盟,澳大還定期邀請世界 級的學者蒞臨演講,2014年至今,已有超過 10多位諾貝爾獎得主、圖靈獎以及菲爾茲獎得主 of low-power, high-performance analog-to-digital converters. UM now ranks No 2 in the world in terms of the number of papers published in the IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC) and at the IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), ahead of many world-renowned universities and enterprises. ! e IEEE JSSC and the IEEE ISSCC are the most renowned in the # eld of integrated circuits and only accept results with successful measurements from fabricated silicon chips. ‘In 2015, one year a% er our state key lab moved to the new campus, our team achieved very good results,’ says Wei Jinchao, a doctoral student from the ICMS. ‘Our research output more than doubled that in 2013, the year we le% the old campus.’ Prof Elvis Mak from the AMS-VLSI Lab says, ‘UM is as good as any # rst-rate overseas university, whether in terms of research ambience or research facilities. Many of our researchers have a nimble mind, creative ideas, and all the other qualities required for conducting high-quality scienti# c research. Over the past few years, our lab has progressed quickly. We have introduced chemical and biological technologies. We hope to build on what we have achieved in microelectronics and produce multidisciplinary research results with greater impact.’ Great Professors UM boasts a strong faculty team composed of internationally-recruited scholars who have gained international recognition for their academic and research achievements. Many of the faculty members are leaders in their areas of expertise, including Prof Wei Zhao and Prof Lionel Ni, both computer scientists and chief scientists for projects under the National 973 Programme; Prof Rui Martins, an expert on microelectronics; Prof 魏金超 Wei Jinchao 麥沛然教授 Prof Elvis Mak 封面故事• COVER STORY 6