
來到澳大,包括有楊振寧教授、莫言教授、邱 成桐教授、森重文教授、Mario Capecchi教 授 、Ada Yonath 教授、Aaron Ciechanover 教授、Carl Edwin Wieman教授、Robert F Engle 教授、Joseph E Stiglitz教授等,與師生 交流學術界最前沿的研究趨勢和新發現。 王衡馨是鄧初夏教授的博士後研究員,當年她 來澳大工作,就是因為知道鄧初夏教授是一 位非常有名的癌症研究學家,希望來到澳大加 入他的團隊工作。她說:「在這兩三年間,我 學到了很多有關癌症,特別是乳腺癌的研究知 識,還有從鄧教授身上得到很多寶貴的經驗, 當中包括怎樣發展自己的職業生涯。」 中國文學博士生符愔暢的論文導師是中國文學研 究泰斗楊義教授,被學術界譽為「21世紀中國最 優秀的文學史家之一」和「當今中國最有創造力 和影響力的學者之一」。符愔暢說:「楊教授影 響我最大的是他嚴謹的治學態度和思維方式。他 說世界上甚麼難事只要認真看待就不怕,只要有 認真的態度,甚麼事情也可以完成。」 Haydn Chen, an expert on materials science; Prof Philip Chen, an expert on intelligent computer systems; Prof Chuxia Deng, an expert on cancer research; and Prof Yang Yi, a leading authority in Chinese literary studies. UM has also invited renowned experts and scholars in di" erent # elds to serve as masters of its residential colleges. ! ese include Prof Liu Chuan Sheng, an authority on plasma physics; Prof Chung Ling, a renowned writer; Dr Peter Yu, an expert on comparative education and student a" airs; Prof David Pong, a veteran historian; Prof Yip Ming Chuen, an expert on the mechanics of materials; Prof De Bao Xu, a renowned linguist; Prof Kevin ! ompson, a renowned musician; Prof Kenneth Leung, an expert on communication law and ethics; and Prof Iu Vai Pun, an expert on structural mechanics. Under the leadership of these masters, the colleges have established their own unique cultures. In addition to recruiting masters in various # elds, UM also regularly invites world-renowned scholars to give lectures on campus. Since 2014, more than ten recipients of the Nobel Prize, Turing Award, and Fields Medal have gaven lectures at UM to share the latest research trends and new discoveries. ! ese guests have included Prof Chen-Ning Franklin Yang, Prof Mo Yan, Prof Shing-Tung Yau, Prof Mori Shigefumi, Prof Mario Capecchi, Prof Ada Yonath, Prof Aaron Ciechanover, Prof Carl Edwin Wieman, Prof Robert F Engle, and Prof Joseph E Stiglitz. 澳大擁有一批大師級學者 UM boasts a team of world-class scholars 7 umagazine issue 16