
ࡌ ७࢈ ٱ ńŐŗņœġŔŕŐœŚ ŶŮŢŨŢŻŪůŦġŪŴŴŶŦġljĸ ĸ ņŴŵŢţŭŪŴũŪůŨġŵũŦġŕũŪųťġŔŵŢŵŦġ ŌŦźġōŢţŰųŢŵŰųźġ Currently, UM is preparing for the establishment of a third state key laboratory, which will specialise in IoT and big data. ‘Data are an important resource and asset of a country in political, economic, social, and cultural arenas,’ says Wei Zhao. ‘!ey also form the basis for scienti"c research. IoT is an e#ective way to collect multi-source data in city construction and management. Big data from multiple sources can serve as the basis for scienti"c decisionmaking by city planners and managers as well as other stakeholders. !erefore, creating a state key lab in this area is of great signi"cance. ’ 澳大ሽ䁣ㅢп ف 國ᇬ䠃唔ሜ傍室,ฯ佀大ᮮᬐ人ᢃ。 UM is preparing for the establishment of a third state key laboratory, which will focus on big data and the Internet of Things. ࡚ ೩୽ড়१ᘈ ᄂᡛ ࡉ ᑫЂ಩Ӓឯ൯೐Ϭৎ஼ਛদᙇᅁᢚ࢈,փѷӒӒ ࣏ु ٿ ԑಧᝯަ 的 ߏ ᗑᇨ۶Ђዴᑂ,ቀஈి ఱሲȈ ȶዴᑂ࣏஼ਛࣆ޼၃ᕻሃ ྻߤ ћмӠࣿ ታாদঋ 的௄ᚂ ݑ Ⴄ࿚۶୑න,Ӻ࣏་֖ ԧ༵ ॊᐯु ٿ 的௄ ᚂ。 ߏ ᗑᇨ ࡋ ࣏ࡱҾ࢙ന۶ᇒನК,Ժ࿚ዴᑂ的 գੜళ༰ўՑНϘ。Ժ࿚ዴᑂᒕೢ փ՘的Ђዴᑂ, ௟ऎࡱҾ的ഢᄑ߰ 、ᇒನ߰ 、ٙ ຉ߰ 、ࢺԊ߰ ෩ ڻ ॊᐯٙ ຉ的দঋ௄ᚂ。ԯթ,஼ਛᅁᢚ࢈的࢙ നྍ ၍দЂ。ȷ