
ŶŮŢŨŢŻŪůŦġŪŴŴŶŦġljĸ Ĺ 䏏 ٿ 教授是國䳑⸛੃的䀾㇍ₕ科學ᇬ,䴱ᆆ㠽䴱≙ᐛぁᑡঊ會ȞIEEEȟ會༡,在࠼ ᮙᕅ䀾㇍、঩ᱸᬃ֒ 系㎧、䀾㇍㏨路ૂ 䋽䁀㠽㏨路ᆿ ޞ ㅿ研究乎ต֒ 出Ҽシ出䋘⦱。 ᴴ ݾ ᗂᬊ任㍆㌺ᐔ١ᯥई⨼ᐛ學院⨼學院院長、㗄國國ᇬ科學ะ䠇會䀾㇍ₕ㠽㏨㎗ 系㎧࠼䜞主任及㗄國ᗭ ށ 㯟ᯥ䗨ᐛ大學主㇗科研ᐛ֒ 的䋽␧ঊ⨼副ṗ長。Ԍᡶ乎導 的科研ൎ䳀⦨ᗍҼཐ主榮䆳,ऻᤢ IEEE࠼վᕅ䀾㇍系㎧國䳑會䆦最֩ 䄌文⦄、IEEE 㗄國國ᇬ㡠グ㡠འ㠽䴱ᆆ會䆦最֩ 䄌文⦄、IEEE國䳑䙐ؗ 會䆦最֩ 䄌文⦄ԛ及㗄國 國䱨儎㍐研究主ⴤቶ么發的ᢶ㺉䕿〱⦄ㅿ。2011 年⦨中國科ᢶ䜞ည任⛰國ᇬ 䀾 ࢹ物㚥㏨主ⴤ的俌ᑣ科學ᇬ。 ٠᱄䚮教授是國䳑⸛੃的䀾㇍ₕ科學ᇬ。᯲ 1 0 年⦨ᗍ㗄國Ფ⑗大學䴱ₕᐛぁঐ ༡學փ。長期ᗔӁᲤ䚟䀾㇍、〱動䀾㇍、大ᮮᬐ、❗㐐۩᝕㏨㎗、儎ᙝ㜳儊系㎆ 、ќ行䀾㇍、࠼վᕅ䀾㇍、儎䙕㏨㎗ㅿ研究,ᐨ᤽導ᇂᡆ6 ف ঐ༡⭕。ᗔ1 㠩2001年,Ԍ在㗄國ࢫ㄁ҼCC&Tᢶ㺉 ޢ ਮќᬊ任อ行長,Ԍ乎導的ൎ䳀䁣䀾Ҽ ж系 ࡍ ㏨㎗䴱䂧ᴿ䰒的⭘૷。ġ٠教授ᗔ 2002 年ഔࡦӔ⍨ᗂ,ġゃᾫ৹㠽 ޝ ൦的學㺉 ⍱動。Ԍ在 1 年⭧᯲在ќ行ૂ ࠼վᕅ系㎧乎ต的䋘⦱㻡䂋䚮⛰IEEE Fellow,在 200 年㻡䂋䚮⛰俏⑥ᐛぁ科學院院༡。ᴴᬊ任䚄ཐ ف 國䳑ж㍐期刊㐞ည及 0 ཐ ف 國䳑會䆦的大會主ᑣ。2006 年⦨中國科ᢶ䜞ည任⛰國ᇬ 䀾ࢹȶ❗㐐۩᝕㏨㎗的 ะ⽄⨼䄌及䰒䦫ᢶ㺉研究主ⴤȷ俌ᑣ科學ᇬ。 Prof Wei Zhao is a world-renowned computer scientist and a fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), with significant contributions in distributed computing, real-time systems, computer networks, and cyberspace security. He was the dean of the School of Science at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in the United States, the director of the Division of Computer and Network Systems in the US National Science Foundation, and the senior associate vice president for research at Texas A&M University. His research team has received numerous awards, including the Outstanding Paper Award from the IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, the Best Paper Award from the IEEE National Aerospace and Electronics Conference, the Best Paper Award from the IEEE International Conference on Communications, and a technology transfer award from the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. In 2011, he was appointed by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China as the chief scientist for an IoT project under the National 973 Programme. Prof Lionel Ni is a world-renowned computer scientist. He received his PhD degree in electrical and computer engineering from Purdue University in the US. His research interests include pervasive computing, mobile computing, big data, wireless sensor networks, high-performance computer architecture, parallel computing, distributed computing, and high-speed networks. Prof Ni has supervised 69 doctoral students to completion. He co-founded CC&T Technologies, Inc in the US in 1998, and served as the CEO of the company from 1998 to 2001. His team has developed a series of products related to internet phone systems. Since returning to Asia in 2002, Prof Ni has been actively involved in academic events in mainland China. In 1994, he was elected fellow of the IEEE for his contributions to parallel processing and distributed systems. In 2008, he was elected fellow of the Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences. He has served on the editorial boards of numerous top-tier international journals and has served as the chair or co-chair of more than 30 international conferences.In 2006, he was appointed by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China as the chief scientist for a project on the basic theories and key technologies in wireless sensor networks, under the national 973 programme. 䏏 ٿ ṗ長 Rector Wei Zhao 副ṗ長δ學㺉ε٠᱄䚮教授 Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Prof Lionel Ni