
文 TextƎ ᶄᐝ䴨、ṗൈ䁎㘻䰒䂖瑜 Albee Lei,UM Reporter Christy Kuan ൌ PhotoƎ ֋ᶦᒩ、張愛華、䜞࠼⭧਍䁠㘻ᨆ ב Jack Ho,Ella Cheong,with some provided by the interviewee Tũe ňovernment EncouraŨes OverseasĮeducated œesidents to œeturn ŖŎ Ńecomes tũe First Cũoice ŧor œeturninŨ EŹűatriates ࢇ ۺ Ⴢᓾ੕ѴΡϗӱᐬ ᐬσԙ࣏Ᏸ者ӱࢺॶᒵ 科ᢶ學院副教授㧡᰽㩃 Greta Mok, associate professor from the Faculty of Science and Technology.ं ـ ՌҥȂ پߔ ᙴԝ ᔹ ٽ ϠЖऻদକ׎ ـ ՀԳ๴෭֋ ڗ ጕϧ,փ๴ਣ ߩ ༡、 ൹ྲ 的౧Ԇ۶ᖖᄩබ࣏ᕒׄ ҁে๴෭的ᝯᘣ。ॊ ث ᐯ୰ ஘ి ఱം ຶކ ሲȈȶ԰ ڽ ࣏Ӓፁ的ᓴᑄ。ȷ œŦŴŦŢųŤũġŇųŦŦťŰŮġŃŦŢųŴġŇųŶŪŵ !e best people want to go where they can achieve their full potential. So career prospects and an environment conducive to innovation are their key considerations. UM obviously meets these two criteria for Greta Mok, associate professor from the university’s Faculty of Science and Technology. She says, ‘I made the right decision to come back.’ Mok developed a strong interest in medical imaging at a young age. A"er graduating from college in Taiwan, she skipped master’s studies and was admitted directly to a doctoral programme at Johns Hopkins University in the United States. Five and a half years later, bored by life in the US, she went to Hong Kong to explore career opportunities. But a"er staying in Hong Kong for some time, she realised that she had very limited career options there, so she began to look elsewhere. It was then that UM appeared on her radar. ⎭ཌ人ᢃഔ⍷,ਥ⛰ж ف ൦ॶᑬּ 新的動࣑,ᗔ㙂ᨆॽㄬ⡣࣑。ഖ↚,澳門⢯ॶ政ᓒ䘇年㍑㍑᧞出᧠᯳᭥ᤷૂ 啉फ人ᢃഔ⍷, 㙂澳門大學ҕ⛰ᵢ൦的學㺉教研人ଗᨆ ב Ҽ䁧ཐ發展ૂ ᱿ॽ的ₕ會,੮ᕋ在ཌ國ᢉᤲ 的人ᢃഔ澳,ќࡦ澳大ቁ≸Ӂᾣ新儎ᓜ。 Encouraging overseas-educated, talented citizens to return and serve their home city can provide a fresh impetus for the city’s development and increase its competitiveness. The Macao SAR government has launched various incentives in recent years to achieve this very purpose. In an effort to support the government policy, the University of Macau (UM) tries to lure overseas-educated Macao residents by offering attractive working conditions and career advancement opportunities. As a result, many overseas-educated scholars have joined UM, hoping to advance their careers. ŶŮŢŨŢŻŪůŦġŪŴŴŶŦġljĸ ĺ டᚠ௤ଆ ŇņłŕŖœņġŔŕŐœŚ