
ŶŮŢŨŢŻŪůŦġŪŴŴŶŦġljĸ ljlj டᚠ௤ଆ ŇņłŕŖœņġŔŕŐœŚ Еӑ໌ఀ ى Ȃ ى ӻϯΡϗ ઔҳϠЖ԰ࣹ Ҟ௲ ڽ ЙԢ໛ൎ۶ྲ ث ങ,࠳་ ྻߤ Դԑ ಧм઎጗ϭЙᙝ 。་ࡈ ౓ԍഎ੩୰୰ࠜ ኒጛ ތ ሲȈȶை ᏳϠЖ,Ӥ੩୰இ୓。ȷ ᑟ፡ҼԪ,Դग़஼ Ĵı ԺՐ的ኒ୰ࠜ ணҐᑫࠝ પ஡ࣆܹ Ϡ Ж๴ਣ܎৶ྻ 的ӹࣹࣿ ஜണயᑫЂ, ڭ ᖔᘛԇണயᐯ߰ Ȉ ȶ ا Դ੩୰֝ Ϟ ی ৎ࣐ง,ሃᐯӠணҐࣿ ஜ۶ӹࣹ ,ᅆ ੩୰ᢜ ڀ գ ـ ಎϘَ ሮᝊ,ౕؓ କ د ֋Ў的၃ᢚ௲ 。ڽ ȷ ᅆ ߏ ನգᑧ ࡓ ᒸᎷ的ኒ୰ࠜ ,Ђᐯಲ྽ࢢᐴ຾ҍ֒ 的՘ ᖻфᅁϧ՘ґ་Ϣग़஼൫षನЍᐯ୰ಎൄ ,ฅԴग़஼஼ ਛଝ ߩ ᅱщ ߩ ᗁ၌ȞNASAȟु ߏٿ ನ,фࢢԴϯҾॊ ث ႤୈгҦᑉԇᇒನኸԺՐ。ኒ୰ࠜ ࠑ ӯȋȶۖ ग़஼઻ ᐯѹঋሃᒸᎷգᝯ,ԯऎည੡ᑫࠝ 的Ђᐯٟ գԪᏋ的ನ ॊ᝷ᓴᑄ,փѷᑫࠝ Ӻٟ գहᝯЍᇌҞஇ,ԯթٙ ۖܠ ग़஼๴ਣ。ȷ ᑫЂᅁ֖ ᐯ୰ф੩୰ , ֖ڭ ኒ୰ࠜ ሮऎᑫЂ的੩୰ ڀ ೚ ࣏ைᏳྲ Ϙ҃ ϠЖ的ࣛᅹ,ᢰᐯӠ՝ᙇతៈ੩୰ۘ ࢘, ـ କᕒׄ ҁেԺЮ๴ਣ,ഺ࣏ኒి ఱ԰ᑫЍ֯ 的১ԯ ᴯ ݿ ᖠᴮ院院長ࢿ▚ᶧ Lau Yun Tung, master of Chao Kuang Piu College. Prof Mok believes that family-related factors are the greatest magnet that attracts overseas-educated locals, followed by societal progress. And the combination of both is the best way to attract the best people. She suggests that the Macao government should diversify the city’s economy and implement a programme that is similar to the 1,000-Expert Programme in mainland China, so as to create more job opportunities that match the expertise of overseas-educated people. Introducing overseas-educated people can bring di$erent perspectives and new technologies, which will in turn promote social progress amid the trend of globalisation. As Lau Yun Tung, master of UM’s Chao Kuang Piu College, puts it, ‘Talent development starts with the residential colleges.’ A"er working in the US for more than 30 years, Lau visited UM through an exchange activity organised by the Talent Development Committee of the Macao SAR government. During the visit, he was invited to serve as a visiting scholar at UM. ‘I lived in one of the residential colleges for two weeks, and joined the students in various activities, which helped me gain a deeper understanding of the residential college system. I hope to apply my past experience to my current job,’ he says. Passionate about physics, Lau was admitted to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology a"er graduation from college. He was a physics researcher at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration of the United States. He has also worked in a management position at a listed IT company for many years. He says, ‘My decision to go to the US for further studies was driven by interest. At the time the science majors o$ered by universities in Macao didn’t interest me, and career options that matched my interest were also nonexistent, so I decided to go to the US. ’ ŊůŵųŰťŶŤŪůŨġłťŷŢůŤŦťġņťŶŤŢŵŪŰů ŵŰġőųŰťŶŤŦġŘŦŭŭĮųŰŶůťŦťġŔŵŶťŦůŵŴ