
ŶŮŢŨŢŻŪůŦġŪŴŴŶŦġljĸ ljij ࢿ▚ᶧ在㗄國哱ⴷ⨼ᐛ學院ᇂᡆ物⨼ঐ༡學փ Lau Yun Tung holds a PhD degree in physics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the United States Social progress and economic diversi#cation are key to attracting overseas-educated people. Miranda Mak, assistant professor from the Faculty of Education, says, ‘What’s attractive about Macao is that the policies and regulations in Macao are people-oriented, and they are adjusted according to speci#c circumstances.’ łġœŢųŦġŐűűŰųŵŶůŪŵźġŵŰġ őŶųŴŶŦġŢġŕŦŢŤũŪůŨġńŢųŦŦų UM implements an academic faculty system and a residential college system. Prof Lau believes that the RC system at UM provides a framework for training the next generation, and that exposing students to the RC system as early as possible can help them achieve well-rounded development. !is is one of the reasons why Prof Lau decided to return to Macao. ‘I hope that the RC system can help students from di$erent faculties and departments to develop so" skills and creative thinking,’ he says. ‘For example, we can encourage students to work in teams to develop feasible mobile phone applications for tourism and catering industries in Macao.’ He also stresses that students should select courses based on their interests, become self-driven learners, constantly learn new knowledge, and develop skills in various areas. He hopes that the RC system can help local students gradually achieve these goals and provide students with internship opportunities outside of Macao to help them learn more about the outside world and plan their future, so they can contribute to the diversi#cation of Macao’s economy. Prof Lau thinks that the Macao SAR government should try attracting the best people in di$erent age groups through di$erent policies. ‘Young people who have just started their careers will #rst consider whether there are career opportunities in Macao that match their expertise, so the government can consider providing some preferential policies and support in this respect,’ he says. ‘People who are approaching retirement age, on the other hand, tend to have an established career with rich managerial experience, and they may not want to continue doing the same job, so the government can consider developing relevant policies to allow senior citizens to participate in administrative duties. ’ᜲ ுᐠႄ໠৤ఀ ى ҡి ֖་࠳, َ་ ྻߤ ྽ԺЮм,࣏ כ єϠЖ԰ࣹ 的 দঋԯ૵。ి ڈ ᐯ୰ׄ ನి ఱ൪ຘ׮ሲȈȶᑫࠝ 的 כ єН഍,Դ ݺ ᑫࠝ య֖ ࣆຉഢ ࡋ ѧႵϠ ݑ м,ྻ ԯᕕఐ޶ቮঋփஇৎ־Ꭰᑋ。ȷ НϘ。ȶ ౕؓا ൅Ⴥ੩୰ைᏳЙԢᐯ ڀ ᐯӠ的ഹᅁ ϧѽф൹ྲ ನ݇ 的ྐ ڼ,ޱ ՂᢰᐯӠೡ՘ᄥ༤ԒԢ Ԫ֯ ,ҝᅹࢥҞ֖ 的јᑟ຀ՑᕕӡԴᅁቫӠࣿ Ղᑫࠝ ੠Ⴜ、ᔠ༼ຈ֖ ྽的 ڹ ӡ。ȷҩҳ,ҁϵ௻Ꭰ ᐯӠᓴॊঋంᒸᎷҍ๴,ᐯӠঋԺைᏳ֋ᐯକϧ, Йᙝᐯ೫ྲ ,ߏڰ ைᏳԺўব的 ث କ,ౕؓ ੩୰ۘ ࢘କᢰӎԳᐯӠു ᆙႿ՘ഺৎӫዾ。Ђᐯ࣏ை ᏳϠЖ的௄Գ,ԯթኒి ఱӺྐ ൅Ⴥ੩୰ᢰᐯӠ գᑟྻۖ ᑫࠝ ѽҳ的Գўᅁ೫,Ժऻҳব的ѵध фഢᄑӏ ڽ 的ϠӠ ߍ ᄦ,ᕒׄ ᑫࠝ ԺЮм๴ਣ。 ኒ୰ࠜ ᘘሮऎ,ᑫࠝ ࣆܹ Ҟ൅ჅЙԢў כޱ ૼՐ ቅфՐࠜ 的ᇟॻϠЖ,ȶৣ ༟ਣ ڰ ྽的ՐቅϘᏅ ൌᔹԐւዋ֋Ў的௞ࠜ କ׎Դᑫࠝ գ ڰ ྽๴ਣ ߩ ༡,ࣆܹ ҞѽԴࣙ ڱ ୨ਇўবຜПᔹ෎фᕒׄ ȇ փత ࠕ ଡ଼ԃՐ៬的Րࠜ ϠЖ഼௱գᜦ ܠ 的 ڰ ྽ф ᇒನўব၃ᢚ,ҁেӏӅւዋា᠈இ԰ԢϘ֖ ྽, ԯթࣆܹ ҞѽԴЙԢ֖ ྽ന၉हᝯࣆຉ,ᢰՐࠜ ϠЖணሃ֖ ࣆўব的ᚚയ。ȷ