
ŶŮŢŨŢŻŪůŦġŪŴŴŶŦġljĸ ljĴ டᚠ௤ଆ ŇņłŕŖœņġŔŕŐœŚ ൪ຘ׮ి ఱԴग़஼ᛕѹ৒࢈аന঍ሃѕನᐯ。઻ᐯग़஼ ง༡,൪ి ఱԴ௜ែ ࣷڧ ࣋ӣȞSpring#eldȟᡝϞϘՐҗ, ាփᚼۖླྀ ෻Ә዇ֹ ᚠ෻ՍȞAustin Texasȟា᠈ᐯЀ᎝ ຀。Ђᐯಲ྽ࢢԴग़஼Ϙ༡ന঍гҦᅁ೫ϘՐ,ᢰՁ ـ ౻྾ҝ઻的ٙ ܠ фӏ ڽ 的ўԨ。԰ᑫࠝ ం ڰ Кᐯి ਰф ୼ຈి ٿ ुڈ Ѝ֯ ϬՐࢢ,ϫۖ শสКћЂᐯಎൄ ѕನ ᐯᇇЀфి ڈ ѕನᐯൾЀ。ऻۖ ᑫЂᏏۖྲ ੭ཀྵ的᝱ఀ ๴ਣᑟჃ,൪ి ఱ౮Й๘ᓢԳۖ ᑫЂ༟ਣి ڈ Ӡ౾。ġ ᅆ ݺ ԑਛೊӔ ڭ Џ࢙Ӳ ڰ ྽۶ਛਲ的Ϡ ڽ ሲ,԰ࣹ ᑫࠝ ઘфщԺԯ૵。൪ి ఱࢽҍധԺЏԴҳ஼Ӡࣿ ԺՐ的 ވ уൌះఀ ҳ஼的௄ᚂి ڈ ѧสᑫ的हᅆቅ᛫,ഺౕ࣏ؓ ЄЃକ઻ ܧ Դҳ的১ԯНϘȇփѷᑫࠝ ጁኊ୼ԋ,ঋ ౢݸ ১գ的 ߏ ྽԰ᑫদྲ ༟ ҄ܕ Ϡ َࡒ ȇҐϯ઻ ܧ ઔҳщ ϳ,҄ ҁেգྏ ᑫࠝ 的ᑋᢜ୨ਇՂ֝ ࢏、 ӹ഼、ి 、ڈ ᛁᖚ、ᗟࠛ ۶ᇊ׀ሃҳ஼的हѧҞକՅԴϘ ܠ ਮ໼。ġġ ൪ి ఱሮऎᑫࠝ ՐቅϠЙྻ પ־ѧҳԳϠቊ֒ ,ȶ಩੡ ՐቅϠѧႵ௻的ўবӏӅ࣏ཇ೚的 ڤ ਇዾ࿤,ҁেϵգ ࢝Ժ൹ྲ 的ྐ 。ޱ ȷԯթ,ࣆܹ ـ ঋȶѽਛऎӎȷ כ є ϠЖ԰ᑫ,؆ຠ୨ਇനࣉ、ి ۘڈ ࢘фႋٙ ֝ܧ யᛟ。 教㛨學院ࣟ⨼教授哛㍡ൽ Miranda Mak, assistant professor from the Faculty of Education. Prof Mak majored in interior design and psychology in the United States. During the six years she studied in the US, she spent one and a half years in Spring#eld before transferring to Austin, Texas to resume her undergraduate studies. A"er graduating from college, she worked as an intern for a year at a design company in the US. !at experience helped her gain a clearer idea about her future direction, including whether she should stay in the US or return to Macao. A"er returning to Macao, she worked for three years, #rst as a secondary school teacher, and then as a researcher on higher education, before pursuing further studies at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, where she received a master’s degree in psychology and a PhD degree in educational psychology. Optimistic about the career opportunities at UM with the university’s relocation to the new campus, Mak decided to pursue a teaching career at UM. For those who have migrated to another country with their family, or those who have established careers and started families abroad, there are many factors to consider when deciding whether to return to Macao. Prof Mak points out that many of her friends who have lived overseas for many years feel that basic education is less burdensome overseas than it is in Hong Kong and Macao, and this is one of the reasons why many parents want their children to stay overseas. !e second reason is the skyrocketing housing price in Macao. !e prospect of starting from scratch while giving up a$ordable overseas housing is not very appealing. A third reason is that expatriates who have lived abroad for a long time worry about the gap between Macao and other locales in many areas, including housing, transport, education, medical care, salary, and fringe bene#ts. But Prof Mak believes that young people in Macao do not fade in comparison with their counterparts overseas. ‘Young people these days may not necessarily excel when measured against traditional standards, but they have many creative ideas,’ says Mak. !erefore, she believes it is more important for the government to attract talented people by addressing family-related factors, improving support facilities and the educational system, as well as providing accommodation.