
ऎ୨Ԫᑫࠝ પ஡ࣆܹ ᄁᔽϠЖ઻ᑫ۶԰ᑫ๴ਣ的ࣆຉ,ġ యஜ஡ா ݑ ф஼ቫ༡的ϠЖைᏳԪ֯ ,ᑫЂ ݺ ijıljĵՐయ ҍȶᑫЂᕼկᐯ߰ ঍ᄑȷ,ᄁᔽԴ຾ԩЂ௞୰੭৒ᡝ୼ຈి ڈ ᎝຀的ӎᑫ ܧ ӔԴۤఀ ᇇЀ ݕ ൾЀᐯ֜ ࢢҐϢᑫЂ。ႍ ঍ᄑऎงϬՐ,Џգljljԩᐯ߰ ՘ґᖔၑ。ȶᕼկᐯ߰ ȷ Ҟۖ ҳԳ຾ԩЂᐯ ݕ ᑟᅹᑉԇണயᐯ߰ ٿ ुݕ ৶。ġթҳ, ᑫЂ的Ⴄಎి ᐯϠ৶ྻ බՂ֣ ՘ґ࢙Ӳु ༵ٿ ӫ、༟ਣु 、ٿ ๴ ٿ ुࠑ ՘ 、ލ ѽфՂ֣ ՘ऎ௞྽ి ᐯϠ৶ຈ, ऎՐቅ的ȶᕼկᐯ߰ ȷ෩ ڻ Ꮛ੡的࢙៉ ۶ࢽє。഼Ⴥໞ ੮ࢢ,ȶᕼկᐯ߰ ȷգᑟྻ ൅Ⴥг༟ ݢ ၑ՘ऎᑫЂ的ׄ ನి ఱ。 ԴশสКћЂᐯ؆՘Ӡ ߏ мᐯᐯЀ۶Ӡ ߏ ᛁᐯॊᐯৰᐯ ൾЀᐯ֜ 的Ꮡዊञ,಩ԴКົ ᛁ᜽ु ٿ ୰঑യК᜽ಯࡡ ஼ቫм༟๴的ु ٿ Ѝ֯ 。ԴᖔၑऎȶᑫЂᕼկᐯ߰ ȷࢢ ঒ၐԳѰ৯Ґ׀ᇊҺ ڲ Ђᐯ་֖ ऎง ی Ր的ണய。Ձ ሲȈȶႍ ঍ᄑᅆ ا Դᑫࠝ ་֖ ॊु ࢝գᕒׄ ,ԯթٙ ܠ ԰ᑫЍ֯ ,ഺ঍ᄑϵᢜ಩Ϟપ஡ࣆܹ ᅆӎԳϠЖைᏳ۶ ॊु ᐯങ๴ਣ的њࢺ。ȷ 䝣ឝ⨀⨴在㚌൦⢏ଛࣖ࡟⿅ቲӔ大學䙨行⛰期兩年的䁠அ Anna Cheang at the University of California San Diego for a two-year research stint To support the Macao SAR government’s policy to encourage overseas-educated expatriates to return to Macao and to promote collaboration in talent development at regional and international levels, UM launched the Macao Fellow Programme in 2014, which aims to encourage Macao residents who have completed master’s or doctoral degrees at well-known universities to join the university a"er graduation. Over the past three years, 11 Macao Fellows have been appointed under this programme. In addition to the opportunity to serve as visiting scholars or researchers at renowned universities or institutions overseas, Macao Fellows will also receive guidance from experienced faculty members at UM on a variety of matters, including how to successfully start research projects, how to conduct research, how to publish research #ndings, and how to become professional academic. Upon passing the relevant appraisal, Macao Fellows will have the opportunity to seek appointment as assistant professors at UM through open recruitment. Anna Cheang from UM’s Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences received her bachelor’s degree in biochemistry and a PhD degree in biomedical sciences from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She is currently responsible for the international development of products based on traditional Chinese medicines. A"er being appointed a Macao Fellow, she went to the University of California San Diego for a two-year research stint. ‘I decided to return to Macao because I felt this Macao Fellow Programme would be very helpful if I wanted to conduct research in Macao. !is programme shows the SAR government’s commitment to talent development and its support for scienti#c research,’ she says. ņůŤŰŶųŢŨŪůŨġ ŕŢŭŦůŵŦťġ őŦŰűŭŦġ ŵŰġ œŦŵŶųůġŸŪŵũġŵũŦɄŎŢŤŢŰġŇŦŭŭŰŸɅġ őųŰŨųŢŮŮŦ ჂᓾΡϗӱᐬȂ ᐬσ௰ᔽ԰Ᏸ者ॎგ ⸣⡽Ȉ澳大人愛ഔᇬφ哛㍡ൽ教授 Video: UM Members Return to Their Hometown: Prof Miranda Mak ⸣⡽Ȉ澳大人愛ഔᇬφࢿ▚ᶧঐ༡ Video: UM Members Return to Their Hometown: Dr Lau Yun-Tung ⸣⡽Ȉ澳大人愛ഔᇬφ㧡᰽㩃教授 Video: UM Members Return to Their Hometown: Prof Greta Mok ŶŮŢŨŢŻŪůŦġŪŴŴŶŦġljĸ ljĵ