
ŶŮŢŨŢŻŪůŦġŪŴŴŶŦġljĸ ljĶ டᚠ௤ଆ ŇņłŕŖœņġŔŕŐœŚ 文 English text Ǝ ֏ ٿ ᾣ Kelvin U ൌ Photo Ǝ ᶄᙓ Manuel Jacinto Dos Reis 㘱䆥 Chinese Translation│ 蘇恩霆Anthony Sou ↭ਨ的䪳研Ȃ⛰人五的䁎៬ؓ ᆎ⮏с最大的䂤䠁グ䯉Ȅ䁣᯲澳門大學人文社科樓↭ਨ系䎦ᔀȂ⭧㚥ਾ國教科文㍺㒊ь⮂䁎៬䀾 ࢹ教㛨研究ညଗ會᭥ᤷ的ᑮ䁣展㿳「文ौ長ᔀȈਨᯏ、㚨丩、↭ਨȷȂ䇉㿶㘻サợ᯲уੂ 的ᱸグȂ۴㚳↭ਨ長⋩中㏉Ԍ人䂤䠁 的㚨丩Ȅ History is a fascinating enterprise which aims to sustain the widest possible interpretation of memory. ‘The Galleries: Sources, Voices and Histories’ – a permanent exhibition in the hallways of the Department of History, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Macau (UM) – not only invites visitors to stroll through time, but also demonstrates how to understand and interpret voices that transcend time. This collaborative project, under the aegis of the Subcommittee on Education and Research, UNESCO Memory of the World Programme, aims to cultivate the greatest gift in students – curiosity. ňalleries oŧ Time ș ũonoured ŗoices ѠϬᖐॱҺᙑ的 ߝ ං