
ŶŮŢŨŢŻŪůŦġŪŴŴŶŦġljĸ ljķ ⧁ㅑ教授᤽展㿳向 ޢ ⵴展⽰ԛਨሜ⛰ᬐ的研究方ᕅ ‘ This project shows how we conduct evidence-based research intertwined with thought-provoking queries and interrogatory skills.’ —Prof Wang Di ӻຜഏ௤ષᐣѬ ћмࠜ ශѽྲ ᒖ的ຉਣўՑ, ה ಩Ժ໛ൎ的ᑢҫћм㦏 গ。ਣ᠓૔чଣႻӡ࢈аࠜ ශ,ġຕԪනग़ྏ 的 ߩ ༡ֶ ؊, ᢰᣍ߰ ంࢰᔖКᘄ๒༟੬,ణ૶۶ࢥւᑫЂᚳනԺЮ的 ᑢҫु ڽ。ٿ ֋ѵधԧԳ、् ໸ЙԢ੡ ߩ 的ҫਫ਼,ࢷ੡ؔ ࠜݺ ශਣҍ,ညКգК஼ҫ、 ֘ތ ӹࣹ ҫ、 ڲࡑތ ѽ фઔ ڰ ҫ,຾দᑢҫ ߢ ᝊཇఱ۶Ⴛӡ。ࠜ ශႆ ,ᑫЂᑢҫᐯਛᆽᢖ , ࠜݙ գՂ஍ణଠಝє൉Ϡ, ᚙऻᑢҫ॔ ᔂ、ւҟЍ᜹ࡡ,ం໒ບ୺ႫК ڰ ݀د দཬ ೀ 。ࡈ ᑢҫ ڀ ѹԇѳ೏ి ఱ ࠑ ӯȈȶਣ᠓Й֭ ௻мгಿ ሃЈࡱᑢҫ的ఐྍ ຕ,ϵంԺ ڎ ࢘ᢰᐯӠ ߢ Ⴝᣢु ᑢҫ 的ग़ᐯ,փѷϵᢰҁেྏ ۦ ᚳᇇ՘ ލ ࣏ӡЙ્ Йԃׅ ϧ ෱ ڽ 的。ȷ ѳి ఱϫࢽ,ਣ᠓Ԩгಿ ਣӯѽҫᅁऎᑂ的ु ٿ ўՑ, ࣊෩ҍනు๴ ݑ 的᎝ᛟ,ϫգඵੲ ܺٿ 的ᇟૠ。ѳి ఱ ሲȈȶਣ᠓ϵൌྐ ᐯӠ ށ Өᅆҫਫ਼֯ ݑ ֿز ւᅅ࣏࢝দ ঋ的,ഺዹЖண൅ҍԪఐನ的ႚ៖,ᖢႋϠ᝷ћм、 ࣆ޼、Ӡࣿ ўՑ、ࠫ݇ 、ࢥᇯ的ᚼᢏ。ȷ őŪŰůŦŦųŪůŨġŅźůŢŮŪŤġņŹũŪţŪŵŪŰů Adopting cutting-edge and multi-perspective ways of presenting history and culture, !e Galleries is a pioneer project that makes use of long hallways to allow visitors to savour the tranquillity of its well-embellished surrounding, whilst exploring the dynamic and diverse portfolio of historical research produced at UM. !e exhibition presents "ndings from source-based research studies of the history of China, East-West interactions, and Southeast Asia and Maritime history, in chronological order, with an emphasis on the pragmatic usefulness of historical knowledge that goes beyond esoteric academic purposes. !e Galleries showcases various exciting journeys of detectives of time, who hunt through archival records and archaeological artefacts, seeking clues that might help construct a vivid picture of something which happened long ago. ‘Not only does it empower public connection with the past of our home city, !e Galleries also introduces our students to the enthralling world of research on history in a wide range of perspectives, meanwhile making them realise the fact that solid outcomes could be only achieved through diligent e#orts,’ says Prof Wang Di, head of the Department of History. ‘!is project shows how we [faculty members] conduct evidence-based research intertwined with thought-provoking queries and interrogatory skills, ’ says Prof Wang. ‘And in some ways, it tells our students that it is of great importance to look at historical data in a critical manner so as to reconstruct a sound interpretation of ever-changing human cultures, politics, lifestyles, beliefs, and creativity.’